VSU Fine Arts Gallery
The VSU Fine Arts Gallery is committed to providing a teaching and learning environment serving a diverse student body and local audience. The Gallery fills a unique niche in the region as a venue for exhibitions showcasing student artwork as well as art from outside the region. Diverse exhibitions serve both the state and regional community by providing cultural enrichment and expanded educational opportunities to everyone.
Located in the Fine Arts Building (on the first floor - southwest corner), the gallery has been completely renovated and updated with state of the art lighting, sound and video systems, climate controls, security system and 'Mila' portable walls. For more information download the Gallery Floor Plan & Description (pdf)
Spring 2013 Senior Exhibition
Spring 2013 Senior Exhibition
April 14 - April 29, 2013
Opening Reception: Sunday, April 14, 1-3 pm
For more information and to obtain an application, contact Julie Bowland, Gallery Director at 229-333-5835 or e-mail at jabowlan@valdosta.edu
2013 VSU Fine Arts Gallery Sponsors
Contact us to find out how to become a sponsor!
New Student Art Gallery
The VSU Art Department Student Gallery offers a unique venue for student/class exhibitions, installations, and collaborative ventures.
- Download the Student Submission Form
- Submit completed contract, written proposals & images to Professor Julie Bowland
- Check out the VSU Student Art Gallery on Facebook
Links and Downloads
- 2014-2015 VSU Fine Art Gallery Exhibition Application/Prospectus (pdf)
- 2014-2015 VSU Fine Art Gallery Exhibition Application/Prospectus (Word Doc)
- 2013 Valdosta National Exhibition Prospectus/Application (pdf)
- Draw Project - Exhibition Information