Performance Management Phase III - Review

The performance review summarizes the employee's contributions over the entire performance cycle, typically a yearlong. The review discussion is simply a continuation of the momentum established throughout the year. The key is to set a tone that is open and productive, and to ensure that by the end of the discussion both manager and employee have reached an understanding on any issues that require further discussion, timelines for completion, development goals that need to be met for the next performance cycle, and review points.

Performance Review: Employee Responsibilities

  • Complete the Self-Assessment in the PeopleAdmin Performance Management module by mid-February. This form includes progress on goals, additional accomplishments, and proposed goals for the next performance cycle.
  • Review the Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS). 
  • Meet with manager.
  • Add comments to the Performance Review and “acknowledge” in the PeopleAdmin Performance Management module. 

Performance Review: Manager Responsibilities 

  • Review the employee's Self-Assessment
  • Review Progress Notes and Mid-Point Check-in
  • Have talent discussions with key clients and colleagues familiar with employees performance
  • Before mid-March, complete Annual Review form in PeopleAdmin Performance Management module and submit to reviewing officer (next level supervisor).
  • Meet with employee and complete review in PeopleAdmin for employee acknowledgement.

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