b'v AlDoStAS tAteu nIverSIty t Hem AceFounded in 1906, Valdosta State University celebrated its 100thThe mace has evolved through the years anniversary in 2006. The VSU Centennial was an opportunityfrom a hand combat weapon of the to appreciate and honor the living legacy of its founders. Thesemiddle ages, employed by archers and individuals not only rallied public resources for what wouldother unmounted warriors, to a club-become a major regional university, but they also establishedshaped staff used as a symbol of authority ongoing partnerships for both continued community andby legislative, religious, academic, and private support to the university. other assemblies to give a ceremonial character to official functions.VSU, a comprehensive university of the University System of Georgia, was established as an institution of higher learning.The Valdosta State University Alumni The institution officially opened in 1913 and was called SouthAssociation commissioned Hollis Barnett, Georgia State Normal College. Between the years of 1913 andVSU professor of art, to design and sculpt 1950, the institution underwent two name changes. On July 1,the mace. It was first used at the June 12, 1993, the Board of Regents authorized Valdosta State College1994 commencement ceremony presided to become Valdosta State University. over by President Hugh C. Bailey.Today VSUs enrollment is over 11,000 students. The universityThe design of the Valdosta State University mace is based on maintains a student-to-faculty ratio of 19:1 with more than 600the dome of West Hall. It was sculpted by hand in wax and cast highly qualified, talented and motivated faculty. VSU has sixin bronze using the lost wax casting process. Black onyx and academic colleges: the College of the Arts; the College of Humanitiesred carnelian stones, representing the Universitys colors, are set & Social Sciences; the College of Science & Mathematics; the Harleyinto the bronze. The shaft is carved in a dark mahogany. The Langdale Jr. College of Business Administration; the James L. &mahogany base, is engraved with the Universitys logo.Dorothy H. Dewar College of Education & Human Services; and the College of Nursing & Health Sciences; plus the Honors College.The mace is carried by a VSU faculty marshal for ceremonial Degrees are offered at all levels, from the associate to the doctorate.occasions. The University consists of two major campus areas, north and main campus, located less than a mile apart as well as numeroust Hep reSIDentSc HAIn ofo ffIcesatellite facilities. In all, 87 buildings house the varied activities of the University. The Presidents Chain of Office is based on the university seal and a rendition of West Hall, the centerpiece of VSUs campus. vSu A lumnIA SSocIAtIon The antiqued sterling silver medallion, crafted by Medallic Art Co., made its debut in 2008.Upon graduation, you will join over 65,000 other Valdosta StateThe first use of the seal occurred in 1955 and was used until the graduates as a member of the VSU Alumni Association. The1960s, when it was no longer featured on official documents. Association does not require you to pay dues to be a member, butIn 1987, the seal reappeared as a simple image of the West Hall encourages you to give back through the annual fund each year. Dome and Star with Valdosta State College; Valdosta, Georgia; The Alumni Association has implemented chapters across the1906 around the outside of the image. In 1992, shadows and Southeastern United States in Atlanta, South Georgia, Middlepalm leaves were added to enhance the image. The seal was last Georgia, and Savannah, as well as a combined Coastal chapter,modified in 1993 to reflect VSUs university status.which includes Jacksonville and the Golden Isles. Events are planned throughout the year to keep alumni engaged across the state and beyond in order to grow the Blazer community. Stay connected! Follow Valdosta State alumni on all your social media networks and tell us when you move, marry, or get a new job so we can celebrate your successes with you.To ensure you receive the most up to date information from the office of Alumni Relations, be sure to provide us with your current contact information by visiting www.valdostastate.org and create your personal alumni account. Congratulations! We look forward to seeing you at an alumni event near you!235TH COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY| 29'