b'p reSIDentSA wArD forA cADemIce xcellence f All2020 r ecIpIentS c ollege ofn urSIng& H eAltHS cIenceS c ollege ofS cIence& m AtHemAtIcSm orgAnb AIleyH Ill of Echolsw InStonb lAKet urnerCounty, Georgia, is the recipientof Powder Springs, Georgia, is of the Spring 2023 Presidentsthe recipient of the Spring 2023 Award for Academic ExcellencePresidents Award for Academic for the College of Nursing andExcellence for the College of Health Sciences at Valdosta StateScience and Mathematics at University. She graduates summaValdosta State University. He cum laude with a Bachelor ofgraduates summa cum laude with a Science in Health Sciences. Bachelor of Science in Biology.To be named a top graduate of the College of Nursing andI am so thankful for being recognized as a top graduate of Health Sciences is an incredible honor to me, she shared.the College of Science and Mathematics, and I hope that I can Its an honor I dont take lightly. As a student-athlete, Iinspire other students to continue to work and study hard on had to learn early on to balance my time with studying andtheir road to success, he shared. I have learned and achieved practicing. Succeeding on the playing field is very importanta lot throughout my years at Valdosta, whether it was in the to me, but I know that my days of being an athlete will comeclassroom, in the dorms, or in my clubs, and I am grateful to an end. Therefore, my education was a priority for me fromto all my fellow classmates and professors for being there for the beginning. I know that my future lies in my education.me as I continued down this path of learning. It is thanks to That said, I could not have accomplished this feat without theall the people I have met that I was able to reach this point support of my family, professors at VSU, coaches, teammates,of my education and succeed beyond my expectations when I and friends. With such an amazing support system, I was set upfirst began attending VSU. I will always carry with me all the for success from the beginning. memories and teachings that I have received while at VSU as I proceed toward my goals. As a student at VSU, Hill was a member of the Blazer Softball team and Student Athlete Advisory Committee.As a student at VSU, Turner was a member of the Honors Student Association, the Anime and Manga Club, and the Hills commitment to academic, athletic, and leadership excellenceValdosta Smash Ultimate Club. He was committed to fighting resulted in her earning repeated Deans List recognitions andfood insecurity as a volunteer at Reflections of Trinitys food a number of athletic honors, including 2021 Academic All- pantry, VSUs Blazer Pantry and Closet, and the Honors House Gulf South Conference, 2021 College Sports Communicatorsfood pantry. He worked with Dr. John Phillips, an assistant (formerly the College Sports Information Directors of America orprofessor in the Department of Biology, on research analyzing CoSIDA) Academic All-District Team, 2021 First Team Academicfrog acoustic data to determine how environmental changes All-American, and 2022 Academic All-Gulf South Conference.affect frog call behavior. She was named Female Student Athlete of the Year in 2022 and 2023. She was a Zell Miller Scholar. Turners commitment to academic, research, and service excellence resulted in him being named a Zell Miller Scholar After graduation Hill plans to return to VSU to play my fifthand earning repeated Deans List recognitions, the 2022 year of eligibility for softball. Then I plan to go to physicalMack Varnedoe Greer Sr. MD Biology Scholarship, the therapy school and later specialize in pediatrics. 2020-2023 Martha H. Barnes Biology Scholarship, the 2021 Dorothy S. Salter Scholarship, and the 2019-2023 Biology Her supportive family includes parents Shelby and Rebecca Hill. Academic Scholarship.After graduation, Turner plans to attend medical school and pursue a career as a pediatrician. His supportive family includes mom Velicia Turner, dad Sherman Turner Jr., brothers Sherman Turner III and Brandon Turner, as well as his grandparents and a nephew.235TH COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY| 25'