b'H Arleyl AngDAleJ r .c ollege of tHeA rtSc ollege ofb uSIneSSA DmInIStrAtIonJ AmIee rInc ollInS of J AreDl eec ollumof Moultrie,Columbia, South Carolina, is Georgia, is the recipient of thethe recipient of the Spring 2023 Spring 2023 Presidents AwardPresidents Award for Academic for Academic Excellence forExcellence for the College of the the Harley Langdale Jr. CollegeArts at Valdosta State University.of Business Administration atShe graduates summa cum laude Valdosta State University. Hewith a Bachelor of Fine Arts in graduates summa cum laudeMass Media. with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance and a Minor in Entrepreneurship. Being named a top graduate of the College of the Arts is such a special honor, she shared. This is a great and prestigious When I first came to VSU, I was nervous I wouldnt be able toaward, which I feel privileged to be receiving. The Lord blessed handle the coursework or get involved, he shared. However,me with the opportunity to come to VSU, meet wonderful if you work hard and get plugged into one of VSUs manyprofessors, develop meaningful relationships with friends, and organizations, you will be okay. I consider it a great honor to beget a comprehensive education. The experience of the past four named a top graduate of the business school. It shows that hardyears at VSU has been integral to my development and will work and discipline pay off.assist me in my future endeavors. As a student at VSU, Collum served as president of the ValdostaFreshman year was exciting and a bit scary, but all the State Investment Group and was an active member of Betaprofessors and staff at VSU were helpful, friendly, and always Gamma Sigma: The International Business Honor Society, Theavailable to listen and be supportive. Then COVID hit, and even Collegiate Entrepreneurs Organization, Sigma Alpha Pi: Thethough the university faced changes with online classes halfway National Society of Leadership and Success, and Sigma Alphathrough the Spring 2020 semester, I felt that my VSU family Lambda National Leadership and Honors Organization. Hewas there for me. VSU will always have a special place in my passed the Securities Industry Essentials (SIE) Exam, which isheart! Go Blazers!!a Financial Industry Regulatory Authority exam for prospective securities industry professionals, and he obtained Georgia life,As a student at VSU, Collins was a member of the Society accident, and sickness insurance licenses.for Collegiate Journalists, the nations oldest honor society for student media leaders, and Lambda Pi Eta, a national Collums commitment to academic, service, and leadershipcommunication association. She also worked with the South excellence resulted in him earning repeated Deans List honorsGeorgia Film Festival and served others as a member of the and the Georgia Gulf Sulfur Finance Scholarship. He was aWesley Foundation, a campus ministry. Georgia HOPE Scholar. Collins earned her first video production accolades as a freshman After graduation Collum plans to work at Pentas Wealthat VSU. During her first semester she served as assistant director Management, a financial advising firm in downtown Moultrie.for Paytons Place, which won the Fall 2019 Film and Video Society Student Showcase. The following semester she was I will join the firm as a client service associate / financialasked to assist on another video project titled Defiance. advisor-in-training, he said. My career goals include becoming a financial advisor and helping individuals and institutionsShe used her talents to help a friend film and edit research for achieve their financial goals. VSUs Undergraduate Research Symposium Three-Minute Video Competition; the project won first place. Her Footprints His supportive family includes parents Rick and Donna Collum,in Farming documentary was featured in the 2022 South sister Danielle Collum, and fiance Alaina Taylor. He attendsGeorgia Film Festival. She was part of a team of students who Autreyville Baptist Church.created educational videos for the Grand Bay Wetland Education Center, and one of those videos won the Spring 2022 Film and Video Society Student Showcase. 26 |VALDOSTA STATE UNIVERSITY'