4 Walk three million steps. That is one of my resolutions for 2019. A few weeks before New Year’s Eve I read something about an older woman in her 70s or 80s who had set the same goal for 2018 — and she reached it nearly a month ahead of schedule. I was inspired. If she could accomplish this goal at her age, then I, a woman in her 40s, should be able to do the same. Right? (Yeah, I laugh now, too.) By mid-January walking that many steps a day had become a chore, and I quickly came to a conclusion. This woman probably did not work a full-time job, as a writer, sitting at a desk, typing on a computer all day. She had more time to walk those steps. She was not the granny of my childhood; she was probably more like a Betty White or a Grace and Frankie. I refused to give up. I reminded myself that I had access to something she likely did not have — a beautiful university campusfilledwithallsortsofscenicplacestowalk. letter from the editor JESSICA R. POPE