Spring 2016

A-term: January 11 - March 2

B-term: March 7 - April 26

Full Semester: January 11 - April 22

The following are courses which fulfill requirements for the Organizational Leadership major. Courses are offered via GoVIEW (Georgia Online Virtual Instruction Enterprise Wide). New online students should visit the Online Orientation site (link in the left bar) prior to beginning classes. For new GOML students, we recommend taking the assessment, Are You Ready for Online Learning? This 30-minute exercise helps students identify strategies for online success.

For class registration information, go to VSU Banner. Select the Student Information and Financial Aid tab; Registration; Look up Classes to Add. Classes offered through GeorgiaView are noted with information for accessing those classes. Instructions on how to register for GOML courses are available to assist students.

CLOSED CLASS MESSAGE: If you get a message that a class has zero (0) seats open, try again! This may be a "false" message generated by system updating. There actually may be seats available. We recommend that you check Banner after a few minutes and try to register for that class again. If you continue to have difficulties, please email amp@valdosta.edu or telephone 229.253.2873.

Spring A-Term (Short Session I) January 11 - March 2, 2016
CRN - Course - Section Title (Hours) Instructor Syllabus
21252 - ACED 2000 - 50E Beginning Keyboarding (3) Mary S Willis
22942 - ACED 2050 - 51E Communications for the Workplace Herbert Blankson
22730 - HADM 3303 - 50E U.S. Health Care Systems (3) Lisa Hunt
21459 - LEAS 1100 - 50E Intro to Paralegalism (3) Kendra A. Hollern
21461 - LEAS 3201 - 50E
Legal Research II (3) Kendra A. Hollern
PLA 2000 - Contact AMP Prior Learning Documentation (2) Staff  
22610 - ORGL 3000 - 50E Ref. Seminar I: Self as Learner (1) Wendy K. Kennedy
22611 - ORGL 3000 - 51E Ref. Seminar I: Self as Learner (1) Leah C. McMillan
22613 - ORGL 3050 - 50E Ref. Seminar II: Self in Context (1) Wendy K. Kennedy  
22616 - ORGL 4000 - 50E* Ref. Seminar III: Trans, Self, Self-Trans. (1)

Wendy K. Kennedy

22617 - ORGL 4000 - 51E* Ref. Seminar III: Trans, Self, Self-Trans. (1) Leah C. McMillan
22622 - POLS 3600 - 50E Intro to Public Administration (3) Sarah H. Kuck
22623 - POLS 3600 - 51E Intro to Public Administration (3)

Russell L. Scarborough

22626 - POLS 4600 - 50E Government Org/Admin Theory (3) John T. Wright  
22628 - POLS 4610 - 50E
Public Personnel Administration (3) Penelope Schmidt
22629 - POLS 4610 - 51E Public Personnel Administration (3) Michael J. Higgs
22631 - POLS 4620 - 50E Public Finance Administration (3) Britt J. Davis
22860 - POLS 4650 - 50E Intergovermental Relations (3) Joseph D. Martin
22635 - POLS 4860 - 50E Public Relations in PA (3) Patricia M. Hinton
22636 - POLS 4860 - 51E Project Management for PA (3) Mark A. Holtzclaw
22427 - PSYC 3800 - 01E Industrial/Organizational Psychology (3) Chance F Longo
22428 - PSYC 3800 - 50G Industrial/Organizational Psychology (3) Jarrod K. Murray
Spring B-Term - (Short Session II)  March 7 - April 26, 2016
CRN - Course - Section Title (Hours) Instructor Syllabus
21259 - ACED 2400 - 80E Computer Technology for the Workplace (3) Mary S Willis

22955 - ACED 3400- 81E

Applied Computer Technology Karen Todd Pickles
22929 - HADM 3303 - 80E U S Health Care Systems (3) Lisa Hunt
22731 - HADM 3304 - 80E Health Care Communication (3) Herbert Blankson
21463 - LEAS 3210 - 80E Pre-Trial Preparation/Procedures (3) Kendra A. Hollern
21464 - LEAS 4210 - 80E Consumer Law (3) Kendra A. Hollern
21466 - LEAS 4802 - 80E Immigration Law (3) Nancy L Anderson
PLA 2000 - Contact AMP Prior Learning Documentation (2) Staff
22612 - ORGL 3000 - 80E Reflective Seminar I: Self as Learner (1) Kim M. Berryman-Dages
22614 - ORGL 3050 - 80E Reflective Seminar II: Self in Context (1) Leah C. McMillan
22615 - ORGL 3050 - 81E Reflective Seminar II: Self in Context (1) Kim M. Berryman-Dages
22618 - ORGL 4000 - 80E* Reflective Seminar III: Trans Self, Self-Trans (1) Kim M. Berryman-Dages
22619 - ORGL 4690 - 80E* Organizational Leadership Capstone (3) Sarah H. Kuck
22620 - ORGL 4690 - 81E Organizational Leadership Capstone (3) Patricia M. Hinton
22621 - ORGL 4690 - 82E Organizational Leadership Capstone (3) Wendy K. Kennedy
22624 - POLS 3600 - 80E Intro to Public Administration (3) Russell L. Scarborough
22625 - POLS 3600 - 81E Intro to Public Administration (3) Staff
22627 - POLS 4600 - 80E Gov't Organization and Admin Theory (3) Thomas D. Courson
22630 - POLS 4610 - 80E Public Personnel Admin (3) Denise Bogart
22632 - POLS 4620 - 80E Public Finance Admin (3) William T. Watson
22633 - POLS 4620 - 81E Public Finance Admin (3) Joseph D. Martin
22634 - POLS 4650 - 80E Intergovernmental Relations (3) Britt J. Davis
22637 - POLS 4860 - 80E Web Admin/Strat: Create/Publish (3)     John R. Bennett
22861 - POLS 4860 - 81E Project Management for PA (3) Mark A. Holtzclaw
22429 - PSYC 3800 - 80E Industrial/Organizational Psychology (3) Jarrod K. Murray
Spring Term - (Full Semester) January 11 - April 22, 2016
CRN - Course - Section Title (Hours) Instructor Syllabus
21254 - ACED 2050 - 01E Communications for the Workplace (3) Iris C. Ellis
21257 - ACED 2300 - 01E Intermediate Keyboarding (3)  Jasper D. Thomerson
21260 - ACED 2400 - 01E Computer Technology for the Workplace (3) Staff 
21261 - ACED 2400 - 02E Computer Technology for the Workplace (3) Staff
21265 - ACED 3400 - 01E Applied Computer Technology (3) Jasper D. Thomerson
21266 - ACED 3400 - 02E Applied Computer Technology (3) Staff
21271 - ACED 3610 - 01E Web Design and Multimedia (3) Staff
21278 - ACED 4050 - 01E Workforce Development and Management (3) Amy K. Williams
21341 - ENGL 3010 - 01E* Writing for Business (3) Jonathan L Campbell
21342 - ENGL 3010 - 02E* Writing for Business (3) Jonathan L Campbell
22910 - ENGL 3010 - 03E*  Writing for Business (3) Staff
21467 - LEAS 4900 - 01E Internship in Legal Assistant Studies (3) Kendra A. Hollern

*These courses require students to contact the AMP office to request an override.


Organizational Leadership Degree Information

If you have questions, please contact:

Gerald A. Merwin, Ph.D.
Director of Adult Academic Degree Completion
& Professional Development Programs
103 E. Brookwood Place
Valdosta State University
1500 North Patterson Street
Valdosta, GA 31698
229-253-2873 (Office)