SOI - Student Opinion of Instruction

A motto for the Dewar College of Education and Human Services is "Positively impacting learning through evidence-based practices." Your feedback is "evidence." VSU and the College of Education and Human Services very much value your feedback on both the course and instructor, for which we provide the end-of-term SOI, or Student Opinion of Instruction form. We use the data collected with the SOI to inform the improvement of courses and the quality of instruction. The feedback can benefit you directly with the improvement of shared systems and related courses you may yet take. Improving the quality of the program and its graduates will have long term benefits for you with the reputation of your degree.

HOW: The data is reported anonymously and after your instructor has posted final grades. When prompted to do so at the end of the term, please take the time to fill out the online Student Opinion of Instruction form.

VSU students log in to Banner and select the Personal Information link, where you then select the Answer a Survey link, and then appropriate course section SOI.

Non-VSU students should receive an email from an administrator in the College of Education and Human Services. Please do NOT delete this email. It is your only method of reaching the SOI form to provide us the necessary feedback. The email provides a direct link to the survey. If you are unsure about receiving the SOI, please contact your instructor about who and when it will be sent.

THANK YOU for being conscientious students and providing feedback that will benefit you and education in general.

Other forms of feedback are welcome...

If you have a more immediate concern regarding systems, the program, a course, an instructor, or any staff member, please feel free to contact the head of your department. We want to do all we can to support your learning.