GOML Resources and Guides

Welcome to Georgia On My Line - GOML
For those who have recently received an acceptance letter for a GOML degree program, congratulations! This site provides vital information for your smooth start as you work toward completing your new goal. Additional information is also located on the department websites. In the drop-down menu below, take some time to become familiar with important details to ensure a great start to your semester.
We wish you all the best for your studies at VSU!
If you have any trouble with the systems covered here, please see the Getting Help section below.
VSU STUDENT ID - 9-digit number beginning with 870
This number is your unique identifier and must be used in communications with VSU faculty and staff. It serves as your username for Banner Web, the registration and fee payment system. You should find this number in an admissions letter or email.
- You can go to Banner Web Self-Service to look up your student ID.
- For student ID issues or questions, contact the Registrar at (229) 333-5727 or registrar@valdosta.edu.
All contact from VSU, your department, your advisor and professors, will be sent to your VSU Office 365 email account. "I didn't get the message" will never be an acceptable excuse for missing deadlines and etc. Your VSU email address can be found on your admission letter or email. The first part of the email address, the PID or username, is used for some systems, and the whole email address will serve as your username for other GOML systems.
- To log in for the first time, go to the Office 365 homepage at http://office.valdosta.edu and click on the "Self-Service Password Reset Tool." Follow through with the steps to reset your password
- Then, go back to http://office.valdosta.edu to log into your email account with your new password and username. It is recommended that you bookmark this link. Your username will be your entire VSU email address, for example: xxxxx@valdosta.edu. For extra help, see the Office 365 guides.
- Contact your advisor: Your admissions letter should communicate your advisor. if your advisor has already sent an e-mail to you, please respond; if not, initiate contact with your advisor using the email address provided on the admission letter.
If you have any trouble logging into your Office 365 email, submit a help request at VSU IT Helpdesk or call the VSU HelpDesk at (229) 245-4357.
Your acceptance letter from the Graduate School should indicate your assigned advisor, and you should receive advising information from your program within 2-3 weeks. If not, you should initiate contact. Your advisor will communicate with you only via your official VSU E-mail account, not a personal email account. Advising is required each semester for all graduate students to be able to register for courses.
Collaborative Calendar
The Georgia ONmyLINE programs operate on the Georgia ONmyLINE Academic Calendar. Students enrolled in GOML programs and VSU students from other academic programs who are enrolled in GOML courses are responsible for the dates and information related to their program.
GOML students who enroll in courses outside of the Georgia ONmyLINE course offerings (i.e., other online courses offered by Valdosta State) will be responsible for the relevant dates for both GOML and non-GOML courses. Non-GOML course dates are posted to the VSU Academic Calendar (does not include GOML course dates).
Course Registration
GOML Students check the GOML calendar for important dates regarding registration, which often differ from VSU's calendar. Make sure you are in touch with your advisor regarding the classes you plan to take.
New Students: How to Login to Banner and Register for Courses
- User ID: Your VSU Student ID Number
- See the VSU Email / ID link in menu to the left for information on getting your ID number?
- Password for first time users is based on your date of birth: MMMDDYYYY. For example: if your birthday is October 1, 1982, your password will be OCT011982. (Please note: the month is case-sensitive and must all uppercase.)
- If you have logged into Banner Web previously, you were required to change your password and enter a security question. If you cannot remember the password you selected, enter your User ID (VSU ID Number) and click ‘Forgot Password’ on the login page. Be sure to try the birthday protocol first in case you've never logged in.
- Click here to access Banner Web and course schedules
- you can also use the Registration link on VSU home page
Non-GOML students wanting to take a GOML course: fill out this form and submit to the graduate School.
How do I pay my tuition?
VSU students should use the new Student Online Account Center to:
- Check your tuition balance
- Pay your tuition
- Receive financial aid refunds
Access the Student Online Account Center
To login, use the following:
- Banner ID (this is your 9-digit student identification number beginning with '870')
- PIN - This is the password that you use to log into Banner Registration
For assistance with the system call 229-333-5725 or studentaccounts@valdosta.edu.
When is my tuition due?
The tuition payment deadline is posted on the Georgia ONmyLINE Calendar:
If you have a balance remaining during the first week of class, you will receive email notices from the Graduate School about your balance. Be sure to follow up on those notices to resolve the balance and avoid course cancellation.
You may receive email reminders from the Bursary regarding payment. If you become concerned, check the calendar linked above to verify the correct date for your GOML program. Graduate students are not dropped for nonpayment until the posted fee payment deadline.
Tuition and Fees
Information on VSU's tuition and fees can be found under Tuition and Fee Schedule.
Financial Aid
Contact the Office of Financial Aid for information on securing financial aid or disbursement of funds you might be expecting.
- Click here to access their website, or call (229) 333-5935.
- Click Here for Scholarships Related to Education
You are responsible for ensuring financial aid coverage or making payment arrangements with the VSU Bursary. If you don't pay or make arrangements by the deadline, you will be dropped from classes. If you have trouble paying your fees or notice a problem with fees assessed, contact the VSU Bursary: (229) 333-5725.
The GOML online courses use the GoVIEW course management system for course delivery, where courses are accessible starting on the first day of class - Click Here for the GOML Academic Calendar. The GoVIEW System serves as the hub for your GOML courses, where you attend class, correspond with your classmates and professors, check your grades, and much more. To access GoVIEW:
- Username: VSU email PID, the first part of email address (i.e. jdoe) + _VSU, or jdoe_VSU
- Password: the same as your Banner password used to register for courses.
- Click here for more information on accessing GoVIEW for your online classes
NOTE: If you have changed your password since you originally registered, you should use the first password you used after changing it from your birthday. If you have forgotten it, or it does not work, follow these directions to obtain it:
- Log into the Banner Self Service page here:
- Click on the Personal Information Tab
- Click on the View eCore/VSU Online/GOML username and request password link
- The GOML password will be e-mailed to your VSU e-mail address
- Try logging in to the GoVIEW Vista platform again
Click here for the GoVIEW help pages, or call toll-free 855-772-0423. Be sure to identify yourself as a GOML student.
It is recommended that you independently save and retain all your work that you submit to GoVIEW, as access to courses ends at the end of the term.
To hide 'old' courses in the system, click on the pencil icon in the upper left corner of the Course List box. Next to the course you wish to hide, click "Hide Link."
General Inquiries
- For help with admissions for online programs, contact the Graduate School: gradapps@valdosta.edu or 229-333-5694
- VSU Email - Submit help request at VSU IT Helpdesk or call VSU HelpDesk at (229) 245-4357
- VSU Student ID Number - Contact the VSU Registrar’s Office at (229) 333-5727 or by Email registraratvaldosta.edu
- VSU Registration System - Click here for guidance on using the Banner System
- VSU Banner Fee Payment System - Contact VSU Bursary at 800-618-1878 opt #6 or Email: bursaryatvaldosta.edu
GoVIEW Technical Problems
When submitting a help request, be sure to identify yourself as a VSU GoVIEW student.
- GoVIEW - USG Course System - See help here
Specific Academic Concerns or Feedback
For any concern regarding systems, the program, a course, an instructor, or any staff member, please contact the Chair of your department. We want to do all we can to support your learning.
Keep in mind that you have a valuable opportunity to provide feedback via the online SOI, Student Opinion of Instruction form, at the end of the term.
You can access textbook requirements in Banner when viewing course information or through the online VSU Bookstore. It is best to check the lists as close to the start of the term of study as possible, still allowing for time to acquire the texts.
- The maximum time allowed for completion of a graduate degree is seven calendar years. No work completed more than seven years prior to degree completion will be accepted toward the degree, except with special permission from the candidate’s advisor, Dean of the College of Education, and approval from the Dean of the Graduate School.
- Dropping a course is done in the official drop/add period at the beginning of a term, through the appropriate registration system, depending on whether or not you are a GOML student.
- GOML Drop/Add Procedure
- VSU Drop/Add Procedure coming soon
- Withdrawal from a course is more involved. Read the policy carefully. Note that there are different calendars and midterm dates depending on term and whether it is a GOML course.
- Policy on Withdrawing from Courses
- Before midterm, go to VSU Banner to process a withdrawal - same link as drop/add (guides coming soon).
- After midterm, call 229-333-5941 or Email the Dean of Students for the appropriate petition forms.
- Performance Expectations: Students must maintain an overall grade-point average of at least 2.5. Earning grades below a 'B' in graduate courses will result in the following consequences. Students will be dismissed from the Graduate School if they accumulate three or more academic deficiency points unless otherwise indicated by individual program policy. A grade of "C" (although it may be credited toward a degree) equals one deficiency point. A grade of 'D', 'WF', 'F', or 'U' (none of which will be credited toward a degree) equals two deficiency points.
- Request for Grade of Incomplete
- Final Course Grade Appeal
- Graduation Requirement: For graduation a student must have earned a cumulative grade-point average of at least 3.0 in all graduate coursework attempted at VSU and a grade of 'C' or better in each course presented to meet degree requirements.
- Copyright and Plagiarism: Faculty are more and more diligent in "prosecuting" cases of suspected plagiarism. In some cases, special software may be used for detection.
- Plagiarism Policy of the College of Education and Human Services
- Avoiding Plagiarism
- Plagiarism Concern Form
- Copyright Policy
- All required coursework for VSU/GOML courses may be subject to submission to Turnitin plagiarism detection software, a tool in the BlazeVIEW course management system that reviews texts and text databases for similarities.
If dismissed from the program, a student may not be enrolled for two semesters. Application for readmission may be initiated during the second semester, starting with discussing readmission with advisor or Dept. Chair. Readmission is not guaranteed; prior academic performance and student conduct/disposition in the program will be considered. The academic program reserves the right to place specific conditions and contingencies on any offer of readmission.
- Dismissal Appeal Form
- Candidates must submit an application for graduation at least one semester prior to their expected graduation date.
- A 3.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) is required for graduation. No grade below a “C” will be credited toward the degree.
- Candidate must meet ALL program requirements, including those such as portfolio, capstone research project, and any special assessments, all of which should be addressed through program advisement.
- Admissions for VSU Programs
- Admissions for GOML Programs
- Application Status Check
- Calendars
- Catalog, Graduate
- Change of Address or Phone Number
- eTuition for Graduate Students
- Information Technology Policies
- SOI - Student Opinion of Instruction
- Transcript Release Form
- Academic Support Center
- Bookstore - VSU Online Store - Textbooks
- Career Services
- Commencement
- Counseling Center
- Distance and Online Learning
- Access Office
- E-mail - Windows Live Guides
- Financial Aid Office
- Library
- New Media Center
- Student Handbook
- Student Newspaper - Spectator
- Technical Support - Web Helpdesk - for VSU programs/systems
- Verification of Enrollment
- Veterans Affairs
Technology Guides
- BannerWeb: For guidance on the use of VSU's Banner Web.
- GoVIEW help
James L. and Dorothy H. Dewar College of Education & Human Services
Education Center
301 Baytree Road
Valdosta, GA 31698 -
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta, GA 31698 - Phone: 229.333.5925
- Fax: 229.333.7167