Tenure and Promotion Committee

Membership & Terms

Membership selection: Faculty appointments are made through the Committee on Committees.  All members must be tenured with the rank of professor. No member may simultaneously hold an administrative appointment. No individual at the university shall vote in more than one stage of any tenure and promotion review process. Therefore, members of the T and P Committee may only vote at one level of the process.

Chair: The co-chairs will be elected to a one year term by a vote of the membership. The co-chairs will call meetings, develop the agenda, preside over meetings, and are responsible for maintaining and filing meeting documentation.

Tenure of membership: Members will be appointed to a two year term and may serve no more than two consecutive terms.  Members may be removed by two third vote of the membership.


Operational Guidelines

Meetings: The committee will meet at least once per semester and other meetings will be schedule as a function of the required business.  Electronic meetings and votes are permitted as necessary.

Meeting Protocol: Use Robert’s Newly Revised Rules of Order 11Th Edition—see COEHS’s abbreviated rules.

Quorum: A quorum shall a majority of the membership of the committee.

Voting: The committee vote functions as a recommendation to the dean. All members of the committee, including the co-chairs, have the right to vote.  A record of the vote is included in the Minutes. No proxies are permitted. Persons should abstain from voting and discussion on issues in which they have a direct personal interest “not common to other members” (see Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised 11th Edition, p. 407-408, for more detailed explanation). Remote synchronous voting is permitted as long as the member has participated in the entire process. Members may only vote for tenure and promotion at each one’s individual current rank and below. No individual at the university shall vote in more than one stage of any tenure and promotion review process.

Minutes: Committee discussions and actions should be documented. Copies of proposals, recommendations, and all other documents are to be forwarded to the dean by the co-chairs.