February 19, 2013

Sara Lynn McCall, Graduate Assistant

Online Life Conference and Desire2Learn User Forum to be Held Feb. 20-22

VALDOSTA – Valdosta State University’s Academic Affairs Department of eLearning, Division of Public Services Department of Continuing Education, Employee and Organizational Development, and the HUB Learning Cooperative will host the Online Lifeline Conference on Thursday and Friday, Feb. 21–22, in the Student Union.

The Online Lifeline Conference is a regional conference designed to focus on use of technology both online and in the classroom to enhance teaching and learning.

Participants will have the opportunity to see and hear what colleagues are doing with advanced learning technologies, participate in hands-on sessions to support technology enhanced teaching and learning, ask questions and get answers about online course design, assessment and communication and make contact with colleagues engaged in the challenges of distance learning.

Conference fees are $49, and presenters and co-presenter fees are $15. This fee also includes lunch.

Participants can also attend the pre-conference Desire2Learn (D2L) User Forum, which will feature Desire2Learn users who will be sharing their tips, tricks, strategies and best practices. This event will be Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 20-21, and requires a separate registration.

"Participating in the Desire2Learn Regional User Forum and Online Lifeline Conference is a great way to interact and learn from colleagues using technology to help innovate the modern teaching and learning experience," said Rebecca Murphy, Online Lifeline Conference committee member.

Visit ww2.valdosta.edu/distance/onlinelifeline/2013/2013OLCRegistrationinformationandlinks.shtml to register for the Online Lifeline Conference.

Visit ww2.valdosta.edu/distance/onlinelifeline/2013/D2LUsersGroup.shtml to register for D2L.

Email olc@valdosta.edu or visit ww2.valdosta.edu/distance/onlinelifeline/index.shtml for more information.

Valdosta State University’s 2013-2019 Strategic Plan represents a renewal of energy and commitment to the foundational principles for comprehensive institutions.

Implementation of the plan’s five goals, along with their accompanying objectives and strategies, supports VSU’s institutional mission and the University System of Georgia’s mission for comprehensive universities.

The story above demonstrates VSU's commitment to meeting the following goals:

Goal 3: Promote student, employee, alumni, retiree, and community engagement in our mission.

Goal 4: Foster an environment of creativity and scholarship.

Goal 5: Develop and enhance Valdosta State’s human and physical resources.

Visit http://www.valdosta.edu/administration/planning/strategic-plan.php to learn more.
