STEM & Healthcare Online Career Fair
Where Recruiters and Students From Science and Healthcare Meet
Friday, April 1st through Thursday, April 7th
This is a Free Event.
Do you need Interns, Cooperative Education Students, Upcoming Graduates or Alumni to fill your Science or Healthcare Positions?
We can help!
It's simple - List your positions on our secure website and candidates will apply between April 1st and April 7th.
Please Note: This is NOT a Virtual Event where you must remain online throughout the event.
Employer Registration starts Wednesday, March 2nd.
Register Here
Current VSU students and Alumni with a STEM or Healthcare major, take advantage of our Online Career Fair.
Starting Friday, April 1st, you will be able to register for this online event and apply for jobs through Thursday, April 7th.
Search by Job Target (Your Major) and Geographical Location (Georgia/Florida)
Register Here
Employers will update and add listings throughout the event. Visit the site throughout the event.
Employers will conduct resume searches throughout the event.
Applied Mathematics, Astronomy, Athletic Training, Biology (BS, BA, MS), Chemistry, Clinical/Counseling Psychology (MS), Communication Disorders (M.Ed./SLPD)
Computer Information Systems, Computer Science, Dental Hygiene, Environmental Geosciences, Exercise Physiology, Healthcare Administration (BBA/MBA)
Marriage and Family Therapy (MS), Mathematics, Nursing (BSN, MSN), Physics, Psychology (BA, BS, MS), Social Work (MSW), Sociology (BA, MS)
Contact Delois Hargett,
Phone: 229/333-5942
Career Opportunities
- Student Union, 2nd Floor, Room 2218 Valdosta, Georgia 31698
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta, GA 31698 - Phone: 229.333.5942
- Fax: 229.259.5515