Contact Information:

Office Location and Number: 

Bailey Science Center, Room 2086

Office Phone:  (229) 333-5764

E-Mail: Dr. Colleen McDonough


Professor, received her Ph.D in Animal Behavior from the University of California at Davis. Her dissertation topic, the behavioral ecology of nine-banded armadillos, focused on determinants of social organization, social interactions and vigilance. She is still conducting work on nine-banded armadillo social organization, specifically kin recognition, determinants of dispersal and the genetic structure of armadillo populations. In the future, Dr. McDonough hopes to expand her research to include other species of armadillos which are distributed outside the United States. General interests include determinants of vigilance and social interactions, evolution of mating systems, and mechanisms of kin recognition.

Courses Taught:

  • BIOL 2652 - Human Anatomy/Physiology II
  • BIOL 3250 - Ecology and Evolution
  • BIOL 2651 - Human Anatomy/Physiology I
  • BIOL 4900 - Senior Seminar
  • BIOL 1020 - Introduction to Biology:  The Evolutiona and Diversity of Life
  • BIOL 1040 - Organismal Biology Lab


Loughry, W. J., McDonough, C. M., and Robertson, E. G.  2002.  Patterns of anatomical damage in a population of nine-banded armadillos Dasypus novemcinctus (Xenarthra, Dasypodidae).  Mammalia 66(1):111-122.

McDonough, C. M. & Loughry, W. J.  2001.  Armadillos.  In:  The New Encyclopedia of Mammals.  (D. W. Macdonald, ed.).  Oxford University Press, Pp. 796-799.

McDonough, C. M.  2000.  Social organization and mating system of nine-banded armadillos in a riverine habitat.  American Midland Naturalist 144:139-151.

Loughry, W. J., P. A. Prodöhl, C. M. McDonough and J. C Avise. 1998. Polyembryony in Armadillos.  American Scientist 86:274-279.

Loughry, W. J., P. A. Prodöhl, C. M. McDonough and J. C Avise. 1998. Polyembryony in Armadillos.  American Scientist 86:274-279.

McDonough, C. M. & Loughry, W. J.  1997.  Influences on activity patterns in a population of nine-banded armadillos.  Journal of Mammalogy, 78:932-941.

McDonough, C. M. & Loughry, W. J.  1997.  Patterns of mortality in a population of nine-banded armadillos, Dasypus novemcinctus.  American Midland Naturalist, 138:299-305.

McDonough, C. M.  1997.  Pairing behavior of the nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus).  American Midland Naturalist, 138:290-298.

Prodöhl, P. A., Loughry, W. J., McDonough, C. M., Nelson, W. S., & Avise, J. C.  1996.  Molecular documentation of polyembryony and the micro-spatial dispersion of clonal sibships in the nine-banded armadillo, Dasypus novemcinctus.  Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, Series B., 263:1643-1649.

Loughry, W. J. & McDonough, C. M.  1996.  Are road kills valid indicators of armadillo population structure?  American Midland Naturalist, 135:53-59.

McDonough, C. M.  & Loughry, W. J.  1995.  Influences on vigilance in nine-banded armadillos.  Ethology, 100:50-60.