Miscellaneous Publications, Abstracts, and Reports
Miscellaneous Publications, Abstracts, and Reports
Carter, R. 2020. 2020 Elizabeth Anne Bartholomew Award: Wendy B. Zomlefer. Castanea 85(2): 422–424. PDF
Carter, R., F. Snow, and J. Thompson. 2020. Flora of Alligator Creek Wildlife Management Area, Wheeler County, Georgia. Abstract PP168. Southeastern Biology 67: 98. PDF
Carter, R., and W. Knapp. 2019. A new rush species endemic to the Altamaha Grit of Georgia. Abstract 163. Southeastern Biology 66: 78. PDF
Carter, R., and F. Snow. 2019. Rare Plant Surveys, Habitat Mapping, and Documentation on Alligator Creek Wildlife Management Area, Wheeler County, Georgia, 72 pp., Technical Report submitted 10 September 2019 to Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Natural Heritage Program, Social Circle, Georgia. PDF
Carter, R., and W.W. Baker. 2018. The status of Schwalbea americana L. (Orobanchaceae) in Georgia. Abstract 318. Southeastern Biology 65: 248. PDF
Carter, R., and F. Snow. 2018. Rare Plant Surveys and Documentation on Alligator Creek Wildlife Management Area, Wheeler County, Georgia, 124 pp., Technical Report submitted 21 December 2018 to Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Natural Heritage Program, Social Circle, Georgia. PDF
Carter, R. 2017. Survival at a small regional university. Abstract 4. Southeastern Biology 64: 63. PDF
Carter, J.R. 2017. Robert Kral's Development as a Botanist and his Role as Teacher and Mentor. Botany 2017: Abstracts, CO1001, 97. PDF
Carter, J.R., *A.D. Robinson, *R.T. Woods and *P.D. Lowe. 2016. Advances in wiregrass Georgia: Infrastructural improvements to sustain another half-century of herbarium-based research and teaching. Botany 2016: Abstracts, P. 198, No. 488. Savannah, Georgia. PDF
*Lowe, P.D., and J.R. Carter. 2016. Two birds with one stone: Using Excel and Mail Merge to create herbarium specimen labels in Word and populate a Specify database. Botany 2016: Abstracts, P. 196, No. 482. Savannah, Georgia. PDF
Carter, R., *A.D. Robinson, and *P.D. Lowe. 2016. Advances in wiregrass Georgia: Infrastructural improvements to sustain another half-century of herbarium-based research and teaching at Valdosta State University. Abstract P82. Southeastern Biology 63(3): 368. PDF
*Lowe, P.D., and R. Carter. 2016. A morphometric study of the Cyperus granitophilus–Cyperus squarrosus complex in Georgia. Abstract P74. Southeastern Biology 63(3): 365. PDF
Carter, R. 2016. Featured Herbarium: VSC – The Valdosta State University Herbarium. Vasculum 11(1): 2–5. PDF
Carter, R. 2015. Valdosta State University Herbarium receives NSF CSBR grant. Vasculum 10(2): 5. PDF
Marsico, T.D., J. Caron, R. Carter, E. Gillespie, E.R. Krimmel, *P.D. Lowe, R.A McCauley, A. Morris, G. Nelson, M. Smith and A. Monfils. 2015. The role of small herbaria in contributing to the understanding of biodiversity patterns. Botany 2015: Abstracts, Abstract 1074. PDF
Marsico, T. D., J.J. Caron, R. Carter, E. Gillespie, E.R Krimmel, R. McCauley, A.B. Morris, G. Nelson and A.K. Monfils. 2015. The role of small natural history collections in contributing to understanding species' distributions. Abstract published in program of Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections [SPNHC] 30th Annual Meeting, P. 51. PDF
Carter, R. 2015. Contributions to the southeastern flora. Abstract 104. Southeastern Biology 62(3): 263. PDF
Zomlefer, W.B., S. Hughes, R. Carter, D.E. Giannasi, A. Harvey and D. Morgan. 2015. Patterns of biodiversity documented by four herbaria in Georgia: Do small collections data make a difference? Abstract 167. Southeastern Biology 62(3): 291. PDF
Carter, R. and W.W. Baker. 2014. Status survey and search efforts for Schwalbea americana L. (American chaffseed) in Georgia: 2013–2014 – Final report. Unpublished report to Georgia Department of Natural Resources. Social Circle, Georgia. 163 pp. PDF
*Bartek, J.M., *A.M. Vardeman, and R. Carter. 2014. Digitization of the Valdosta State University Herbarium: Undergraduate Student Perspectives [poster]. Abstract P113. Southeastern Biology 61(3): 381–382. PDF
Carter, R. 2014. Digitization of the Valdosta State University Herbarium. Abstract 202. Southeastern Biology 61(3): 330. PDF
Holt, M.O., and R. Carter. 2014. The Valdosta State University Virtual Herbarium. Abstract 203. Southeastern Biology 61(3): 330–331. PDF
*Lowe, P.D., and R. Carter. 2014. Two Birds with One Stone: Using Excel and Mail Merge to Create Herbarium Specimen Labels in Word and Populate a Specify Database. Abstract 204. Southeastern Biology 61(3): 331. PDF
*Steele, J.L., and R. Carter. 2014. Floristic inventory of the Lake Louise Field Station, Lowndes County, Georgia. Abstract 40. Southeastern Biology 61(3): 265–266. PDF
Zomlefer, W.B., L. Chafin, J.R. Carter, D.E. Giannasi, and C. Walters. 2014. Coefficient of conservatism rankings for the flora of Georgia: Wetland indicator species [poster]. Abstract P110. Southeastern Biology 61(3): 380. PDF
Carter, R., and *J.C. Jones. 2013. Dispersal, distribution and ecology of Sphenoclea zeylanica (Sphenocleaceae) in North America [Abstract P74]. Southeastern Biology 60(3): 270–271. PDF
Holt, M.O, and R. Carter. 2013 [continuously updated]. The Valdosta State University Virtual Herbarium. Available at: http://herb.valdosta.edu.
Wichmann, B.L., W.B. Zomlefer, D.E. Giannasi, and R. Carter. 2012. The GA-VSC herbaria collaborative: Phase I of a statewide consortium [Abstract P112]. Southeastern Biology 59(3): 346. PDF
Carter, R. 2011. Review: Guide to the Vascular Plants of Florida, Third Edition. Florida Scientist 74: 275– 276. PDF
Carter, R. 2010. Status survey and search efforts for pondberry (Lindera melissifolia) and pondspice (Litsea aestivalis) in Georgia, with special attention to Laurel Wilt Disease – Final Report. Unpublished report to Georgia Department of Natural Resources. Social Circle, Georgia. 253 pp. PDF
Carter, R. 2010. Survey of trees at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church. Unpublished report submitted to St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, Valdosta, Georgia on 10 August 2010. 20 pp. PDF
*Jarvis, T.A., R. Carter, and R.H. Goddard. 2010. Agricultural significance of seed dispersal by migratory doves. Proceedings of the Southeastern Microscopy Society 30: 27 (abstract). PDF
Goddard, R.H., T.M. Webster, R. Carter, and T. Grey. 2010. Functional morphology and seed anatomy of the invasive weed, Benghal dayflower (Commelina benghalensis): Implications for dispersal by mourning doves. Proceedings of the Southeastern Microscopy Society 30: 23 (abstract). PDF
Carter, R. and W.W. Baker. 2009. Status survey and search efforts for Schwalbea americana L. (American chaffseed) in Georgia – Final report. Unpublished report to Georgia Department of Natural Resources. Social Circle, Georgia. 191 pp. PDF
Carter, R. 2008. Obituary – Wayne R. Faircloth (1932–2008). Southeastern Biology 55: 501–504. PDF
Bryson, C.T., and R. Carter. 2008. Brown Flatsedge (Cyperus fuscus): A potential rice weed. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 61: 39 (abstract). PDF
Carter, R., R.H. Goddard, T.M. Webster, J.T. Flanders, A.S. Culpepper and T.L. Grey. 2006. Do mourning doves disperse seeds of tropical spiderwort? Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the American Peanut Research and Education Society, Savannah, Georgia. Abstract 117. PDF
*Rosen, D.J., R. Carter and C.T. Bryson. 2006. The potential for spread of Cyperus entrerianus (Cyperaceae) into native habitats of the southeastern United States. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 59: 252 (abstract). PDF
Bryson, C.T., R. Carter and *D.J. Rosen. 2006. Dispersal, biology, and control of deeprooted sedge. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 59: 253 (abstract). PDF
Carter, R., C.T. Bryson, and *D.J. Rosen. 2006. Invasive sedges: Impending problems. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 59: 254 (abstract). PDF
*Stewart, K., J.R. Carter, J.A. Nienow, J. Rudloe and J.T. Baxter. 2006. Phytochemical Investigations of Thalassia testudinum. Georgia J. Sci. 64(1): 33 (abstract). PDF
Carter, R., C.T. Bryson and *D.J. Rosen. 2005. Cyperaceae: Emerging invasive weeds of natural areas. Simposio Internacional “El Conocimiento Botánico en la Gestión Ambiental y el Manejo de Ecosistemas” y 2° Simposio Botánico del Norte de México, Resumenes, pp. 24–25, CIIDIR IPN Unidad Durango, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Victoria de Durango, Dgo., México (abstract). PDF
*Rosen, D.J., Carter, R. and C.T. Bryson. 2005. The spread of Cyperus entrerianus (Cyperaceae) in the southeastern United States and its invasive potential in bottomland hardwood forests. Simposio Internacional “El Conocimiento Botánico en la Gestión Ambiental y el Manejo de Ecosistemas” y 2° Simposio Botánico del Norte de México, Resumenes, pp. 53–54, CIIDIR IPN Unidad Durango, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Victoria de Durango, Dgo., México (abstract). PDF
*Emanuel, D.L., J.R. Carter, J.A. Nienow and J.T. Baxter. 2005. Phytochemical investigation of Sargassum fluitans Georgia J. Sci. 63(1): 29 (abstract). PDF
Bryson, C.T., and R. Carter. 2003. Biology of pathways for invasive weeds. Invasive Plants in Natural and Managed Systems: Linking Science and Management at 7th International Conference on the Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions. Abstracts: 13. PDF
*Lynn, B.A., R. Carter and J.T. Baxter. 2003. Phytochemical investigation of Rumex hastatulus and Rumex acetosella. Georgia J. Sci. 61(1): 29 (abstract). PDF
Bryson, C.T., and R. Carter. 2003. Reproductive potential and control strategies for deeprooted sedge (Cyperus entrerianus). Proc. Weed Sci. Soc. Am. 43: 13–14 (abstract). PDF
Carter, R. 2003. What to do with an unknown specimen: preparation and storage of vouchers. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 56: 372 (abstract). PDF
Bryson, C.T., R. Carter and D.J. Rosen. 2003. Deeprooted sedge (Cyperus entrerianus). Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 56: 370 (abstract). PDF
Rosen, D. J., C. T. Bryson, R. Carter and C. Jacono. 2003. Deeprooted sedge: an overlooked aggressive weed in the southeastern United States. Aquaphyte 23(1): insert. PDF
Carter, R., and C.T. Bryson. 2001. Bloodscale sedge (Cyperus sanguinolentus), a new weed in the United States. Proc. Weed Sci. Soc. Am. 41: 93 (abstract). PDF
Carter, R., and C.T. Bryson. 2000. Taxonomy of weedy Cyperus species. Third International Weed Science Congress, Abstracts, p. 47. PDF
Carter, R., and C.T. Bryson. 2000. Distribution, ecology and taxonomy of Cyperus louisianensis (Cyperaceae). Georgia J. Sci. 58: 50 (abstract). PDF
Carter, R. 1997. Rare plant survey of Kings Bay Submarine Base, Camden County, Georgia. Grant No. 1995CCD002. Unpublished report to Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Social Circle, GA. 65 pp. PDF
Carter, R., and C.T. Bryson. 1995. Cyperus entrerianus Boeckeler, a new weed in temperate North America. Proc. Weed Sci. Soc. Am. 35: 92 (abstract). PDF
Bryson, C.T., and R. Carter. 1995. Introduction and spread of weedy Cyperus species in the United States. Proc. Weed Sci. Soc. Am. 35: 36 (abstract). PDF
Bergstrom, B.J., J.R. Carter, A.E. Davis, and K.A. Lutz. 1995. Moody Air Force Base natural heritage inventory: final report. Contract No. M6700491D0010-5W01. Unpublished report to U.S. Department of Defense, Department of the Air Force, Moody Air Force Base, Georgia. 262 pp. PDF
Carter, R. 1994. Status report: Cyperus louisianensis (Cyperaceae). Unpublished report to U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Endangered Species Office, Jackson, Mississippi. PDF
Carter, R., and N. McInnis. 1993. Final status report: Cyperus cephalanthus (Cyperaceae). Unpublished report to U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Endangered Species Office, Jackson, Mississippi. 140 pp. PDF
Carter, R. 1993. Fort Stewart floristic inventory: field data – 1992 & 1993. Unpublished report to Nature Conservancy of Georgia. 641 pp. PDF
Carter, R. 1987. Site survey and report on a Lindera melissifolia site in Wheeler County, Georgia. Unpublished report to Nature Conservancy of Georgia, Atlanta. PDF
Carter, R. 1985. Lectotypification of Scirpus echinatus L. ASB Bulletin 32: 71 (abstract). PDF
Carter, R. 1984. Master plan and floristic inventory of Grassmere Farm. Unpublished report to Cumberland Museum and Science Center, Nashville, Tennessee. PDF
Carter, R. 1982. The flora of Delta National Forest. ASB Bulletin 29: 55 (abstract). PDF
Carter, R. 1982. Morphological relationships among species of Cyperus section Umbellati from North America. ASB Bulletin 29: 55 (abstract). PDF
Carter, R. 1983. Rare plant survey of Snead Road Glade. Unpublished report to Nature Conservancy, Tennessee Field Office, Nashville.
Carter, R. 1980. Master plan and floristic survey of Taylor Hollow, Sumner County, Tennessee. Unpublished report to Nature Conservancy, Tennessee Field Office, Nashville.Department of Biology
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