Contributed Papers, Posters, Workshops, Short Courses, and Public Lectures
Contributed Papers, Posters, Workshops, Short Courses, and Public Lectures
Presenter’s name in bold; student*, invited contributions+
+Carter, R. 2024. Plant Identification Workshop. Sponsored by Georgia Botanical Society and Coastal Plain Chapter of Georgia Native Plant Society at Gaskins Forest Education Center, Alapaha, Georgia, 27 April 2024. PDF
+Carter, R. 2024. Exploring VSU's Herbarium. Learning in Retirement, Continuing Education, Valdosta State University, 8 April 2024. PDF
+Carter, R. 2024. Our Fantastic Flora: A Pictorial Exploration of the Amazing Native Plants of Georgia. Learning in Retirement, Continuing Education, Valdosta State University, 12 February 2024. PDF
+Carter, R. 2023. The Amazing Fall Flora at Greenwood. Learning in Retirement, Continuing Education, Valdosta State University, 17 October 2023. PDF
+Carter, R. 2023. Exploring VSU’s Herbarium. Learning in Retirement, Continuing Education, Valdosta State University, 18 September 2023. PDF
+Carter, R. 2023. Native Sedges Workshop. Sponsored by Georgia Botanical Society and Coastal Plain Chapter of Georgia Native Plant Society at Gaskins Forest Education Center, Alapaha, Georgia, 19–20 August, 2023. PDF
Carter, R. 2023. The Wonderful World of Trees. Learning in Retirement, Continuing Education, Valdosta State University, 12, 19 and 26 April 2023. PDF
+Carter, R. 2023. The Valdosta State University Herbarium – a botanical treasure supporting teaching, research, and public outreach in southern Georgia for three-quarters of a century. Herbarium Talk for Odum Library’s Year of the Herbarium, Odum Library Auditorium, Valdosta State University, 19 April 2023. PDF
Carter, R. 2022. Biodiversity, Learning in Retirement, Continuing Education, Valdosta State University, 19 and 26 October, 2 November 2022. PDF
+Carter, R. 2022. Native Grasses Workshop. Sponsored by Coastal Plain Chapter of Georgia Native Plant Society and the Georgia Botanical Society at Gaskins Forest Education Center, Alapaha, Georgia, 7 August 2022. PDF
+Carter, R. 2021. Identifying locations of endangered plant species in southern Georgia. Georgia Initiative for Stewarding Pesticides and Protecting Endangered Species while Economically Providing Food, Feed, and Fiber for a Growing World Population, sponsored by University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences and Georgia Department of Agriculture, Farmers Market, Macon, 2 December 2021. PDF
+Carter, R. 2021. Native Ferns Workshop. Sponsored by Coastal Plain Chapter of Georgia Native Plant Society at Gaskins Forest Education Center, Alapaha, Georgia, 7 August 2021. PDF
Carter, R., F. Snow and J. Thompson. 2021. Flora of Alligator Creek Wildlife Management Area, Wheeler County, Georgia [poster]. 82nd Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, 24–26 March 2021, Virtual Meeting. PDF
+Carter, R. 2019. Red Hills Fall Flora with an Introduction to the Grasses. Red Hills Natural History Alliance Short Course. Sponsored by Tall Timbers Research Station and Birdsong Nature Center, 20–22 September 2019. Tall Timbers Events
+Carter, R. 2019. What’s going on in that herbarium anyway? Lunch Bunch Talk, Tall Timbers Research Station, Tallahassee, Florida, 19 September 2019.
+Carter, R. 2019. Native Medicinal Plants. Short course for State Botanical Garden of Georgia Certificate in Native Plants Program–Tifton, Valdosta State University, 16 February 2019. PDF
Carter, R., and W. Knapp. 2019. A new rush species endemic to the Altamaha Grit of Georgia. 80th Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, 5 April 2019, Memphis, Tennessee. PDF
Carter, R., and W.W. Baker. 2018. The status of Schwalbea americana L. (Orobanchaceae) in Georgia. 79th Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, 30 March 2017, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. PDF
+Carter, R. 2017. Fall Flora at the Lake Louise Field Station. Learning in Retirement, Continuing Education, Valdosta State University, 2 November 2017. PDF Douglas Enterprise Valdosta Today
Carter, J.R. 2017. Robert Kral's Development as a Botanist and his Role as Teacher and Mentor. Colloquium: Kral-ing Through Time: The Impact of Robert Kral on the Past, Present, and Future of Botany in the Southeastern U.S. Botany 2017, 26 June 2017, Fort Worth, Texas. PDF
+Carter, R. 2017. Spring Flora at the Lake Louise Field Station. Learning in Retirement, Continuing Education, Valdosta State University, 9 May 2017. PDF
Carter, R. 2017. Survival at a Small Regional University. Workshop: Advancing Herbaria in the Age of Digitization. Association of Southeastern Biologists 78th Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, 30 March 2017, Montgomery, Alabama. PDF
Carter, R. 2017. Some Basics of Plant Identification and the Essential Role of the Herbarium in Accurate and Consistent Identification and Naming of Plants. Plant Identification Workshop, South Georgia Native Plant and Wildflower Symposium, Sponsored by University of Georgia College of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences and Garden Club of Georgia, Inc., Camellia District IV, Tifton, Georgia, 22 March 2017.
Carter, R. 2017. Status and Tour of the Valdosta State University Herbarium, Meeting of the Georgia Herbarium Alliance, Valdosta, Georgia, 25 February 2017.
Carter, R. 2016. Field Trip to Grand Bay Wildlife Management Area and Sedge Identification Workshop, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, Georgia, sponsored by Georgia Botanical Society, 17–18 September 2016. PDF
*Lowe, P.D., and J.R. Carter. 2016. Two birds with one stone: Using Excel and Mail Merge to create herbarium specimen labels in Word and populate a Specify database. Botany 2016: Celebrating our History, Conserving our Future, 30 July–3 August 2016, Savannah, Georgia. PDF
Carter, J.R., *A.D. Robinson, *R.T. Woods and *P.D. Lowe. 2016. Advances in wiregrass Georgia: Infrastructural improvements to sustain another half-century of herbarium-based research and teaching. Botany 2016: Celebrating our History, Conserving our Future, 30 July–3 August 2016, Savannah, Georgia. PDF
Carter, R., and *Phillip Lowe. 2016. Georgia Botanical Society 47th Annual Spring Pilgrimage, 15–17 April 2016, including tour of the Valdosta State University Herbarium and field trips to Dudley's Hammock at Moody Air Force Base and Lake Louise Field Station of Valdosta State University, Valdosta, Georgia. PDF
Carter, R., *A.D. Robinson and *P.D. Lowe. 2016. Advances in wiregrass Georgia: Infrastructural improvements to sustain another half-century of herbarium-based research and teaching at Valdosta State University. Association of Southeastern Biologists 77th Annual Meeting, 31 March–3 April 2016, Concord, North Carolina. PDF
*Lowe, P.D., and R. Carter. 2016. A morphometric study of the Cyperus granitophilus-Cyperus squarrosus complex in Georgia. Association of Southeastern Biologists 77th Annual Meeting, 31 March–3 April 2016, Concord, North Carolina. PDF
+Carter, R. 2016. What’s going on in that herbarium anyway? Herbarium Best Practices Workshop, National Science Foundation, University of Georgia, Athens, 20 May 2016.
Carter, R. 2016. What’s going on in that herbarium anyway? Science Seminar Series, College of Arts and Sciences, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, Georgia, 14 April 2016.
Carter, R. 2015. Contributions to the southeastern flora. Association of Southeastern Biologists 76th Annual Meeting, 1–4 April 2015, Chattanooga, Tennessee. PDF
+Carter, R. 2014. Medicinal plants. Learning in Retirement, Continuing Education, Valdosta State University, 23 & 20 September 2014.
+Carter, R. 2014. Outdoor identification of plants. Gardening Study School Program Course IV, sponsored by National Garden Clubs, Inc., The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc., Magnolia District, 24 June 2014, Southwest Georgia Research & Education Center, Plains, Georgia.
+Carter, R. 2014. Alternative funding discoveries. Recruiting, Supporting, and Retaining Small Collections in Biodiversity Digitization, workshop sponsored by CollectionsWeb and iDigBio, 7–9 April 2014, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. PDF workshop agenda
+Carter, R. 2014. Lightening round: Challenges to small collections – recruitment and retention. Recruiting, Supporting, and Retaining Small Collections in Biodiversity Digitization, workshop sponsored by CollectionsWeb and iDigBio, 7–9 April 2014, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. PDF workshop agenda
*Lowe, P.D., and R. Carter. 2014. Two birds with one stone: Using Excel and Mail Merge to create herbarium specimen labels in Word and populate a Specify database. Association of Southeastern Biologists 75th Annual Meeting, 2–5 April 2014, Spartanburg, South Carolina. PDF
Holt, M.O., and R. Carter. 2014. The Valdosta State University Virtual Herbarium. Association of Southeastern Biologists 75th Annual Meeting, 2–5 April 2014, Spartanburg, South Carolina. PDF
Carter, R. 2014. Digitization of the Valdosta State University Herbarium. Association of Southeastern Biologists 75th Annual Meeting, 2–5 April 2014, Spartanburg, South Carolina. PDF
Zomlefer, W.B., L.G. Chafin, J.R. Carter, D.E. Giannasi and C. Walters. 2014. Coefficient of Conservatism rankings for the flora of Georgia: Wetland indicator species [Poster]. Association of Southeastern Biologists 75th Annual Meeting, 2–5 April 2014, Spartanburg, South Carolina. PDF
*Bartek, J.M., A.M. Vardeman and R. Carter. 2014. Digitization of the Valdosta State University Herbarium: Undergraduate student perspectives [Poster]. Association of Southeastern Biologists 75th Annual Meeting, 2–5 April 2014, Spartanburg, South Carolina. PDF
*Steele, J.L., and R. Carter. 2014. Floristic inventory of the Lake Louise Field Station, Lowndes County, Georgia. Association of Southeastern Biologists 75th Annual Meeting, 2–5 April 2014, Spartanburg, South Carolina. PDF
+Carter, R. 2013. Plants: Biodiversity – Course 1–The Living Earth. 4–5 November 2013, Environmental Studies School. Presented by National Garden Clubs, Inc., through Valdosta State University's Learning in Retirement, Valdosta, Georgia.
Carter, R., and J.C. Jones. 2013. Dispersal, distribution and ecology of Sphenoclea zeylanica (Sphenocleaceae) in North America [Poster]. Association of Southeastern Biologists 74th Annual Meeting, 10–13 April 2013, Charleston, West Virginia. PDF
+Carter, R. Plant Taxonomy. Short-course: Certificate in Native Plants Program, 6 October 2012, Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens, University of Georgia (Savannah). PDF
+Carter, R. Learn to love the sedges. Short-course: Certificate in Native Plants Program, 22 September 2012, Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens, University of Georgia (Savannah). PDF
+Carter, R. Learn to love the sedges. Short-course: Certificate in Native Plants Program, 8 September 2012, State Botanical Garden of Georgia, University of Georgia (Athens). PDF
Wichmann, B.L., W.B. Zomlefer, D.E. Giannasi, and R. Carter. The GA-VSC herbaria collaborative: Phase I of a statewide consortium [Poster]. Association of Southeastern Biologists 73rd Annual Meeting, 4–7 April 2012, University of Georgia, Athens. PDF
Carter, R. 2012. Address on behalf of the Campus Beautification and Stewardship Subcommittee, Arbor Day Celebration, 17 February 2012, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, Georgia. PDF
+Carter, R. Learn to love the sedges. Short-course: Certificate in Native Plants Program, 11 September 2010, State Botanical Garden of Georgia, University of Georgia (Athens).
+Carter, R. Basics of Weed Identification. Workshop for program on Control and Identification of Problem Plants in Turfgrass, Ornamentals, and Natural Sites, 22 April 2011, University of Georgia, College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, at Valdosta State University.
*Jarvis, T.A., R. Carter, and R.H. Goddard. 2010. Agricultural significance of seed dispersal by migratory doves. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Microscopy Society, 24–26 May 2010, Charleston, South Carolina. PDF
Goddard, R.H., T.M. Webster, R. Carter, and T. Grey. 2010. Functional morphology and seed anatomy of the invasive weed, Benghal dayflower (Commelina benghalensis): Implications for dispersal by mourning doves. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Microscopy Society, 24–26 May 2010, Charleston, South Carolina. PDF
+Carter, R. Sedge Identification Workshop. 30th Annual Conference of the Florida Native Plant Society, 23 May 2010, Tallahassee, Florida. PDF
Bryson, C.T., R. Carter, and D.J. Rosen. Update on the biology and dispersal of deeproot sedge (Cyperus entrerianus). Managing Invasive Plants in Disturbed Landscapes, Southeast Exotic Pest Plant Council 10th Annual Symposium, 20–21 May, 2008, Biloxi, Mississippi.
Bryson, C.T., and R. Carter. Brown Flatsedge (Cyperus fuscus): A potential rice weed. Managing Invasive Plants in Disturbed Landscapes, Southeast Exotic Pest Plant Council 10th Annual Symposium, 20–21 May 2008, Biloxi, Mississippi.
+Carter, R. Appreciating Native Grasses. Presented at the 2008 Symposium of the Georgia Native Plant Society, Mercer University, Atlanta, Georgia; 16 February 2008. PDF
Carter, R., R.H. Goddard, T.M. Webster, J.T. Flanders, A.S. Culpepper and T.L. Grey. Do mourning doves disperse seeds of tropical spiderwort? Paper presented at Symposium – Tropical Spiderwort: A New Troublesome Exotic-Invasive Weed in Peanut. 38th Annual Meeting, American Peanut Research and Education Society, Savannah, Georgia; 11–14 July 2006. PDF
+Carter, R. An introduction to sedges. Presented to Florida Native Plant Society, Magnolia Chapter, Tallahassee; 08 March 2006. PDF
+Carter, R., C.T. Bryson, and D.J. Rosen. Invasive sedges: Impending problems. Paper presented at Symposium – Invasive Grasses and Sedges: Deep-rooted Issues sponsored by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and SWSS at 59th Annual Meeting of Southern Weed Science Society, San Antonio, Texas; 23–25 January 2006. PDF notes
+Carter, R., C.T. Bryson and D.J. Rosen. Cyperaceae: Emerging invasive weeds of natural areas. Paper presented at Simposio Internacional “El Conocimiento Botánico en la Gestión Ambiental y el Manejo de Ecosistemas” y 2° Simposio Botánico del Norte de México, Resumenes, pp. 24–25, CIIDIR IPN Unidad Durango, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Victoria de Durango, Dgo., México; 13–15 September 2005.
+Carter. R. Invasive graminoids and vines. Paper presented at Invasive Plant Control Workshop, sponsored by the Georgia Exotic Plant Pest Council. University of Georgia, Tifton; 13 April 2005.
+Carter, R. Tracking pathways of dispersal of invasive plants. Paper presented at Conservation Education and Interpretive Services: A Natural Connection 2004 National Conference sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service, St. George, Utah; 1–5 March 2004. PDF
+Carter, R. Botanizing the Coastal Plain of Georgia. Research seminar series sponsored by Sigma Xi at the Coastal Plain Experiment Station, University of Georgia, Tifton; 18 December 2003.
+Carter, R. What to do with an unknown specimen: preparation and storage of vouchers. Paper presented at Invasive Weeds Symposium co-sponsored by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and Southern Weed Science Society at the Annual Meeting of the SWSS, Houston, Texas; 28–29 January 2003. PDF
+Bryson, C.T. and R. Carter. Impact of Cyperaceae as weeds. Paper presented at Sedges 2002: International Conference on Uses, Diversity and Systematics of Sedges, Delaware State University, Dover, Delaware; 6 June 2002. PDF
Carter, R. and C.T. Bryson. Bloodscale sedge (Cyperus sanguinolentus), a new weed in the United States. Paper presented at the 41st Meeting of the Weed Science Society of America in Greensboro, North Carolina; 13 February 2001. PDF
Carter, R. and C.T. Bryson. Distribution, ecology and taxonomy of Cyperus louisianensis (Cyperaceae). Paper presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of Georgia Academy of Science in Valdosta, Georgia; 25 March 2000. PDF
+Carter, R. and C.T. Bryson. Taxonomy of weedy Cyperus species. Paper presented at Third International Weed Science Congress, Abstracts, p. 47, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil; 6–11 June 2000. Note: I was unable to attend the meeting, because of the lack of matching travel support from VSU. PDF
Carter, R. and C.T. Bryson. Cyperus entrerianus Boeckeler, a new weed in temperate North America. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Weed Science Society of America in Seattle, Washington; 31 January 1995.
Carter, R. Systematics and ecology of North American Cyperus. Seminar presented to Biology Department, University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, Mississippi; 28 February 1994.
+Carter, R. Discovery of Orobanche minor in Thomas County, Georgia. Paper presented at Field Day and Workshop on Small Broomrape [Orobanche minor] in Southern Georgia, sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal Plant Health Inspection Service, Plant Protection and Quarantine, in cooperation with the Department of Biology, Valdosta State College, Valdosta, Georgia; 7 May 1993. PDF
Carter, R. Lectotypification of Scirpus echinatus L. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists in Murphreesboro, Tennessee; April 1985.
Carter, R. The flora of Delta National Forest. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists in Richmond, Kentucky; April 1982.
Carter, R. Morphological relationships among species of Cyperus section Umbellati from North America. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists in Richmond, Kentucky; April 1982.
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