Valdosta State Alumni Association
Call Number UA 24
Name: Valdosta State Alumni Association
Dates: 1917-1990's
Size: 18 Boxes
Scope and Content:
The SGSNC Alumnae Association began in May of 1918, although some publications put it in 1917. It has continued on to the present day, as the VSU Alumni Association. The VSU Alumni Association collection contains materials from 1918 to the present. The purpose of the association is to keep the school's Alumni involved personally and financially with the college. Thus, the bulk of the collection is correspondence and published newsletters. The early Alumni performed other functions, such as recruiting for the school and funding scholarships.
The correspondence, the bulk of which is from 1924-1932, with years up to 1960 well represented, documents a personal attachment between the alumni and the school and between the alumni and their friends who serve as officers. Many of the presidents of the Alumni Association, such as Edith Patterson, and Mildred Price, were also employees of the college, so they regularly passed on appeals and messages from the President in their letters. Later, an Alumni Council, composed of VSC Faculty served as this link in the 1960's and 1970's. Fluker Stewart was the first Alumni Director and served out of the office of College Relations. The Office of Alumni Relations was formed to assist the Alumni Association in the early 1980's, and many of the current publications of the Alumni Association are now assisted or handled by this Office.
The Publications include early Alumni newsletters, which changed format quite often, and so are listed Alumni Publication, by year. The most frequent title was Alumni News. Later publications are listed by title: Valdosta State College Alumni News 1961-1962; Valdosta State College Newsletter: 1965-1966; Alumni Newsletter Valdosta State College 1966-1974; Alumni Association Newsletter and Alumni Football Newsletter--1981; Valdosta State College Bulletin, 1975-present.
The Association raised and dispersed money for scholarships and alumni entertainment and the records of these transactions, especially in the 1950's and 1960's are included in the Collection. Membership and record keeping were other important functions of the Association, and many folders exist of Membership Lists. In fact, in the 1930's a WPA project traced all graduates of the college to generate a complete alumni list. The WPA project papers are included.
Alumni Memoirs donated to the Archives over the years make up one box, and include slides, publications and photographs; a whole box of photographs capture the children of alumni. The many personal letters in the Correspondence also tell biographical information about the alumni. Two boxes of the collection contain letters to Edith Patterson, from 1922 to 1932, and give rich details of the lives of early alumni.
Official letterhead, invitations and programs, along with the woodcuts and photographic plates used in early printing of alumni publications are included in the Collection.
Related Collections: Alumni Relations: UA6/4; Fluker Stewart Papers; The Pinebranch; College Relations: UA6/7; The Joan Bailey Papers
Subject Headings:
Purchell, Clyde
Williams, Natalie Sirmans
Johnson, Glen Blackwell
Grant, Morgan Majette
Schroer, Jon Corn
Howell, Virginia Peeples
Groover, Marion
Sineath, Anne Turner
Pendleton, Virginia Bolen
Stump, Lottie Jarrell
Workman, Mildred Turnbull
Smith, Morris
Patterson, Edith
Parrish, Virginia Tuck
McRae, Beth Whitaker
Price, Mildred
Coleman, Martha Johnston
Ferrell, Ken
Gulliver, Augusta Rentz
Henry, Leecy Goodloe
DeMott, Jerry
McRee, Elizabeth
Williams, Christine Poss
GEA (Georgia Educators Association)
Durrenberger, Hazel Joyner
Massy, Louise
Alumni Council
WPA (Works Projects Administration)
Alumni Committee
Kelly, Joseph
Thomas, Helen Allen
Miller, Angie Mae
Dunworth, Selina Wisenbaker
Gallaher, Ada Rose
Gautier, Mattie Peek
Gilfillan, Maybelle Bedell
Neva Mathis Tillman
Davis, Snead Young
Taylor, Angie Mae
Campbell, Lucile McGregor
Rebekah Culbreth McGlamry
Wade, Bernice Jones
Alumni Association--Scholarship Fund
Alumni Association
GAE (Georgia Association of Educators
Armed Services--GSWC
World War II
Alumni Association--Minutes
Alumni Association--Correspondence
Finances--Alumni Association
Alumni Association--Finances
Minutes--Alumni Association
Correspondence--Alumni Association
Alumni Relations
Fountain Fund--Alumni Association
Alumni Association--Membership
Photographic Plates--GSWC
Alumni Children
World War I--SGSNC
World War II--GSWC
Great Depression--GSWC
Valdosta State College Alumni News
Valdosta State College Newsletter
Alumni Newsletter Valdosta State College
Alumni Football Newsletter
Alumni Association Newsletter
Valdosta State College Bulletin
Alumni Bulletin
Hopper, Annie Powe
Odum, Gertrude Gilmer
Boxes 1-5 contain Correspondence and Minutes dating back to 1918. Both "official" correspondence from the Association officers, and chatty "catch-up with friends" letters from Alumni are included. Edith Patterson, the first long term President of the Alumni Association, served from 1924 to 1932. Her correspondence from 1922 to 1932 (she died in 1933), found in Boxes 3 and 4, include especially vivid letters from the early Alumnae. Included here are speeches, and a History paper by Joseph Kelly on Edith Patterson and the early Alumni Association. See also the Archives Web Page for "Past Pictures: The Edith Patterson Years, 1924-1932." The minutes are found in Box 2 and Box 5.
Box 1
Folder 1 Alumnae Association Form Letters 1919-1926
Folder 2 Alumni Correspondence 1927-1929
Folder 3. Alumni Correspondence 1930-1931
Folder 4. Alumni Correspondence1932-1933
Folder 5. Alumni Correspondence 1934
Folder 6. Alumni Correspondence 1935-1940
Folder 7. Alumni Correspondence 1941-1946
Folder 8. Alumni Correspondence 1947
Folder 9. Alumni Correspondence 1948
Folder 10. Alumni Correspondence 1949-1951
Box 2
Folder 1. Alumni Correspondence 1952
Folder 2. Alumni Correspondence 1953
Folder 3. Alumni Correspondence 1954
Folder 4. Alumni Correspondence 1955-1957
Folder 5. Alumni Correspondence 1960-1967
Folder 6. Alumni Correspondence 1968-Present
Folder 7. Alumni Correspondence, No Date
Folder 8. Alumni Association, Minutes 1918-1926
Folder 9. Alumni Association, Minutes, 1925-1926
Folder 10. Alumni Association, Minutes, 1927-1945
Folder 11. Alumni Association, Minutes, 1937-1938
Folder 12. Alumni Association, Minutes, 1946-1960
Folder 13. Alumni Association, Minutes, 1961-1965
Folder 14. Alumni Association, Minutes, 1966-1980
Edith Patterson Correspondence and Materials:
Box 3
Folder 1. Edith Patterson Correspondence, 1922-1923
Folder 2. Edith Patterson Correspondence, 1924, A-K
Folder 3. Edith Patterson Correspondence, 1924, L-Z
Folder 4. Edith Patterson Correspondence, 1925
Folder 5. Edith Patterson Correspondence, 1926
Folder 6. Edith Patterson Correspondence, 1927, A-K
Folder 7. Edith Patterson Correspondence, 1927, L-Z
Box 4
Folder 1. Edith Patterson Correspondence, 1928
Folder 2. Edith Patterson Correspondence, 1929
Folder 3. Edith Patterson Correspondence, 1930
Folder 4. Edith Patterson Correspondence, 1931
Folder 5. Edith Patterson Correspondence, 1932
Folder 6. Edith Patterson Correspondence, No Date
Folder 7. Alumni Association--Correspondence from Edith Patterson
Folder 8. Edith Patterson--Speeches and Speech Materials
Folder 9. Alumnae to Alumni: The GSWC Alumni Association--The Edith Patterson Years by Joseph W. Kelly
Box 5
Folder 1. VSU Alumni Association, Minutes and Notes, 1990's (Part 1)
Folder 2. VSU Alumni Association, Minutes and Notes, 1990's (Part 2)
Folder 3. VSU Alumni Association--Ambassadors
Boxes 6-10 contain organizational information, outlining the history, concerns, membership and financial records of the Association. Here are found items from plays, membership lists, ledgers, the constitution, special topics and articles. Of particular note are the poems, speeches and essays by Alumni found in this section.
Box 6
Folder 1. Alumni Association--History, Presidents, Lifetime Members--1960's
Folder 2. Alumni Association--Special Topics--Past Presidents
Folder 3. Alumni Association--Constitution
Folder 4. Alumni Association--Special Topics--Constitutions, Other Associations
Folder 5. Alumni Association--Scholarship Fund Rules
Folder 6. Alumni Association-- Pamphlets and Articles on Alumni Work
Folder 7. Alumni Association--Special Topics--Permanent Class Secretaries
Folder 8. Alumni Association--Special Topics--Class Secretary Form Letters
Folder 9. Alumni Association--Special Topics--Local Chapters
Folder 10. Alumni Association--Special Topics--Local Chapters--Atlanta
Folder 11. Alumni Association--Special Topics--Alumnae Association Ideas and Suggestions for Local Chapters
Folder 12. Alumni Association--Special Topics--Local Registration Lists
Folder 13. Alumni Association--Distinguished Alumni Award
Folder 14. Alumni Association--Special Topics--GAE Correspondence
Folder 15. Alumni Association--Special Topics--GAE Field Work Statistics
Folder 16. Alumni Council (Professional Association for Alumni Organizations)
Folder 17. Alumni Committee (composed of VSC faculty in 1960's)
Folder 18. Alumni Association--Alumni Development Committee (1970's)
Folder 19. Alumni Association--WPA Alumnae Project
Box 7
Folder 1. Alumni Association--Annual Banquet Programs
Folder 2. Alumni Association--Banquets, Dinners, etc. VSC, VSU (1980's- 1990's)
Folder 3. Alumni Association--Class History--Records
Folder 4. Alumni Association--Class History Records, class of 1931 in 1954
Folder 5. Alumni Association--Class Lists, 1920's
Folder 6. Alumni Association--Dedications (early Alumni deaths, 1918-1935)
Folder 7. Alumni Association--Homecoming (clippings & log book)
Folder 8. Alumni Association--Letterhead (see also box UA 24 Box 17 for woodcuts used to make Letterhead)
Folder 9. Alumni Association--Miscellaneous--Early GSWC
Folder 10. Alumni Association-Speeches, Lists, Plans and Correspondence, 1921-1931
Folder 11. Alumnae Play--1950's (History of VSU)
Folder 12. Speeches and College Histories
Folder 13. Alumni Association--Poems, Stories, and Essays
Folder 14. Alumni Association--Special Topics Armed Services Records--Photographs included
Folder 15. Alumni Association--Special Topics--Class Presidents
Folder 16. Alumni Association--Special Topics--Privileges
Folder 17. Alumni Association--Special Topics--Fountain Fund
Folder 18. Alumni Association--Special Topics--1950's Alumni Day Questionnaires
Folder 19. Alumni Association--Special Topics--Projects
Folder 20. Alumni Association--Special Topics--Recruiting
Folder 21. Alumni Association--Special Topics--Welcome New Members
Box 8:
Folder 1. Alumni Association--Financial Information--Bank Statements 1968-1973
Folder 2. Alumni Association--Financial Information--Notepads
Folder 3. Alumni Association--Financial Information--Deposit Books
Folder 4. Alumni Association--Financial Information--Finance--1941-1943
Folder 5. Alumni Association--Financial Information--Report on Examination of Records, 1969
Folder 6. Alumni Association--Financial Information--Statements--1968-1969
Box 9:
Folder 1. Alumni Association--Finances--1920's
Folder 2: Alumni Association--Ledger, 1920's
Item 3. Alumni Association, Journal--1949-1959
Folder 4. Alumni Association--Contributions, 1968-1969
Folder 4. Alumni Association--Contributions, 1970-1971
Folder 5. Alumni Association--Contributions, 1971-1972
Folder 6. Alumni Association--Paid Invoices, 1970-1972
Box 10:
Item 1. Membership Lists--Ledger--1929-1959
Item 2. Membership Lists--GSWC Alumni Registration List--Notebook--1920's and 1940's
Folder 3. Alumni Association--Alumni Lists (Pt. 1)
Folder 4. Alumni Association--Alumni Lists (Pt. 2)
Folder 5. Alumni Association--GSWC Students thru 1939 (made for WPA alumni survey)
Folder 6. GSWC Ga. Alumni, 1948
Folder 7. Special Topics Alumni Lists--1920's
Boxes 11-16 contain the Printed or Published Material from the Alumni Association. The early newsletters varied so much in format and title, that they are listed by year as Printed Material
Box 11:
Folder 1. Alumni Association Printed Material--1932
Folder 2. Alumni Association Printed Material--1933
Folder 3. Alumni Association Printed Material--1934
Folder 4. Alumni Association Printed Material--1935
Folder 5. Alumni Association Printed Material--1937
Folder 6. Alumni Association Printed Material--1938
Folder 7. Alumni Association Printed Material--1939
Folder 8. Alumni Association Printed Material--1940
Folder 9. Alumni Association Printed Material--1941
Folder 10. Alumni Association Printed Material--1942
Folder 11. Alumni Association Printed Material--1945
Folder 12. Alumni Association Printed Material--1946
Folder 13. Alumni Association Printed Material--1947
Folder 14. Alumni Association Printed Material--1948
Folder 15. Alumni Association Printed Material--1949
Folder 16. Alumni Association Printed Material--1950
Folder 17. Alumni Association Printed Material--1951
Folder 18. Alumni Association Printed Material--1952
Folder 19. Alumni Association Printed Material--1953
Folder 20. Alumni Association Printed Material--1954
Folder 21. Alumni Association Printed Material--1955
Folder 22. Alumni Association Printed Material--1956
Folder 23. Alumni Association Printed Material--1957
Folder 24. Alumni Association Printed Material--1958
Folder 25. Alumni Association Printed Material--1959
Folder 26. Alumni Association Printed Material--1960
Folder 27. Alumni Association Printed Material--1990's
Box 12
Valdosta State College Alumni News 1961-1962
Valdosta State College Newsletter: 1965-1966
Alumni Newsletter Valdosta State College 1966-1974
Alumni Association Newsletter and Alumni Football Newsletter--1981
Box 13:
Valdosta State College Bulletin--1975-1984
Box 14:
Valdosta State College Bulletin--1985-1991
Box 15:
Valdosta State College (University)Bulletin--1992-1998
Folder 1. Alumni Bulletin Draft 1991
Box 16:
Alumni Bulletin (Magazine Edition): Fall 1994, Fall 1995, Fall 1996, Fall 1997, all 1998 and 1999, to present
Boxes 17 and 18 contain photographic plates and woodcuts used in early Alumni Association publications as well as Alumni Memoirs. The memoirs include publications, pictures, letters, slides, and a box of pictures of Alumni's children.
Box 17:
Photographic Plates and Woodcuts
Photographic Plate: Tall Pine Trees
Photographic Plate: A Play, 18th Century Costume, Sword fight
Photographic Plate: Archery
Photographic Plate: Mayday Maypole
Photographic Plate: House in the Woods
Photographic Plate: Faces
Woodcuts: The Continents
Woodcuts: West Dome, VSC Arch and Pinecone
Woodcuts: Window
Woodcuts: Book spines
Woodcuts: Catalog card
Woodcuts: VSC Alumni Celebration
Woodcuts: West Hall and Pine branch
Folder: Photographic Plates and Woodcuts
Box 18:
Alumni Memoirs and Reminiscences
Folder 1. Alumni Reminiscences (writings by Alumni, Taylor and Thomas)
Folder 2. Campbell, Lucile McGregor
Folder 3. Davis, Snead Young
Folder 4. Dunworth, Selina Wisenbaker
Folder 5. Gallaher, Ada Rose (Photographs and Programs)
Folder 6. Letters from Gallaher, Ada Rose
Folder 7. Gautier, Mattie Peek
Folder 8. Gilfillan, Maybelle Bedell
Folder 9. Neva Mathis Tillman
Folder 10. Rebekah Culbreth McGlamry
Folder 11. Wade, Bernice Jones
Slides: 1957-1961 Homecoming Parade
Napkin: VSC 1913-1963 Celebration
Box: Alumni Family Pictures--Labeled pictures of Children of Alumni
Archives & Special Collections
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