We are glad that you are interested in the English Language Institute (ELI) at Valdosta State University! We are committed to providing the best possible English instruction and learning environment, and we are proud of our highly-qualified instructors who are dedicated to providing outstanding classroom instruction.

Whether your goal is to enter an academic degree program at Valdosta State University or simply improve your English language skills, we want to help you meet your goals.  You will experience rapid improvement in your English skills as you study, participate in activities, and interact in English every day with your teachers, classmates, and friends.

You can enjoy the advantages of a safe, quiet, and friendly campus and community: Valdosta State University's campus is one of the most beautiful in the country, and the city of Valdosta was voted one of the friendliest towns in the United States.


ELI Newsletter - ELI Across the Globe

ELI Viewbook 

-- Click here to see our ELI Viewbook!





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