Graduate and Initial Preparation Appeals Committee

Membership & Terms

Membership selection: Departmental representatives on college statutory and standing committees are elected by the faculty or appointed by the department head of the individual departments. The Dean may appoint ex-officio members.

 Chair: In the permanent absence of a previously elected chair-elect, a chair will be elected to a one year term by a vote of the membership. A chair-elect will be elected to one year term by a vote of the membership. The chair-elect will serve as the chair in the temporary absence of the chair and assumes the role of chair the following year. The chair will call meetings, develop the agenda, preside over meetings, and is responsible for maintaining and filing meeting minutes.                                   
 Tenure of membership: Members will be appointed to a two year term and may serve no
         more than two consecutive terms. Members may be removed by two third vote of the

Operational Guidelines

         Meetings: The committee will meet face-to-face at least once per semester and other meetings
         will be schedule as a function of the required business. Electronic meetings and votes are
         permitted as necessary.

         Meeting Protocol: Use Robert's Newly Revised Rules of Order 11Th Edition—
         see COEHS's abbreviated rules.

Quorum: A quorum shall be a simple majority of the committee.

Voting:  A plurality is sufficient to decide. A record of the vote is included in the Minutes. The chair will vote in cases of a tie. No proxies are permitted. Persons should abstain from voting and discussion on issues in which they have a direct personal interest "not common to other members" (see Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised 11th Edition, p. 407-408, for more detailed explanation). Electronic voting is permitted as long as the total number of ballots cast constitutes a "quorum."

Subcommittees: The committee has the authority to create subcommittees to explore and report on issues or complete specialized tasks. Although the membership of a subcommittee must have at least one committee member other members may be drawn from individuals with other areas of expertise.   

Minutes: The committee will keep substantive minutes or recordings of their deliberations. Copies of committee minutes, reports, proposals, recommendations, and all other documents are to be filed.