If a student is receiving any other VA benefit (not Post 9/11 or Vocational Rehab), the VA will pay a monthly benefit directly to the student. The school will not receive any payments on the student’s behalf. In order for the VA to pay benefits to the student, the following step must be completed each semester:

1. VA Registration Checklist ( https://www.valdosta.edu/admissions/financial-aid/veterans-affairs/semester-checklist-agreement.php.)

Once this checklist is submitted to the VSU VA Office, staff members will review the student’s record – to include the coursework they are registered to take for the upcoming semester. Upon review of this information, if the coursework is validated as part of the student’s degree program – the VSU VA Office will notify the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to inform them of the student’s class schedule. Once the VA has this information, they will take the necessary steps to process upcoming monthly payments to the student. Depending on the benefit being used, the student may then be required to confirm their enrollment information. Visit https://benefits.va.gov/gibill/ or contact the VA at 1-888-442-4551 to determine if this additional step is required.

2.Submission of eligibility for benefits.