Schedule of Classes

Schedule of Classes


Subject Code
Course Title
Course Campus
Part Of Term
HOPE & Zell Miller STEM Course
Low Cost - $40 or Under Textbooks
No Cost Textbooks
Low OR No Cost Textbooks
80807ACCTAccounting 2101 - Principles of Accounting I - Section APrinciples of Accounting ILynn Crump3Main CampusFull TermNNNNo
80808ACCTAccounting 2101 - Principles of Accounting I - Section BPrinciples of Accounting IKelly Mathis3Main CampusFull TermNNNNo
80837ACCTAccounting 2101 - Principles of Accounting I - Section CPrinciples of Accounting ICori Crews3Main CampusFull TermNNNNo
84358ACCTAccounting 2101 - Principles of Accounting I - Section E01Principles of Accounting IN Staff3eDegree CampuseDegree Short Session 1NNNNo
80814ACCTAccounting 2101 - Principles of Accounting I - Section IAPrinciples of Accounting ILynn Crump3Online CampusFull TermNNNNo
80815ACCTAccounting 2101 - Principles of Accounting I - Section IA1Principles of Accounting IN Staff3Online CampusFirst Half of TermNNNNo
80816ACCTAccounting 2102 - Principles of Accounting II - Section APrinciples of Accounting IITrent Coggins3Main CampusFull TermNNNNo
80839ACCTAccounting 2102 - Principles of Accounting II - Section BPrinciples of Accounting IITrent Coggins3Main CampusFull TermNNNNo
86882ACCTAccounting 2102 - Principles of Accounting II - Section E60Principles of Accounting IIN Staff3eDegree CampuseDegree Short Session 2NNNNo
80906ACCTAccounting 2102 - Principles of Accounting II - Section IA2Principles of Accounting IITrent Coggins3Online CampusSecond Half of TermNNNNo
80905ACCTAccounting 2102 - Principles of Accounting II - Section IBPrinciples of Accounting IIN Staff3Online CampusFull TermNNNNo
85431ACCTAccounting 2999 - Accounting Development - Section IA1Accounting DevelopmentCandace Witherspoon0Online CampusFirst Half of TermNNYYes
86433ACCTAccounting 3000 - Data Analytics in Accounting - Section IAData Analytics in AccountingCori Crews3Online CampusFull TermNNNNo
80804ACCTAccounting 3100 - Intro to Fraud Examination - Section IA1Intro to Fraud ExaminationCandace Witherspoon3Online CampusFirst Half of TermNNNNo
80867ACCTAccounting 3201 - Intermediate Accounting I - Section AIntermediate Accounting ICori Crews3Main CampusFull TermNNNNo
80903ACCTAccounting 3202 - Intermediate Accounting II - Section AIntermediate Accounting IIKelly Mathis3Main CampusFull TermNNNNo
80809ACCTAccounting 3250 - Forensic Accounting - Section IA2Forensic AccountingCasey Colson3Online CampusSecond Half of TermNNNNo
80913ACCTAccounting 3400 - Cost Accounting - Section ACost AccountingSanjay Gupta3Main CampusFull TermNNNNo
80862ACCTAccounting 4410 - Accounting Information Systems - Section AAccounting Information SystemsLynn Crump3Main CampusFull TermNNNNo
80805ACCTAccounting 4500 - Individual Income Tax - Section AIndividual Income TaxCandace Witherspoon3Main CampusFull TermNNNNo
80907ACCTAccounting 4800 - Auditing - Section AAuditingCasey Colson3Main CampusFull TermNNNNo
81174ACEDAdult and Career Education 2000 - Beginning Keyboarding - Section IA1Beginning KeyboardingSheila Hall3Online CampusFirst Half of TermNNNNo
81176ACEDAdult and Career Education 2050 - Communications for the Wrkplce - Section IACommunications for the WrkplceNicole Gunn3Online CampusFull TermNNNNo
81177ACEDAdult and Career Education 2050 - Communications for the Wrkplce - Section IA1Communications for the WrkplceN Staff3Online CampusFirst Half of TermNNNNo
81178ACEDAdult and Career Education 2050 - Communications for the Wrkplce - Section IA2Communications for the WrkplceN Staff3Online CampusSecond Half of TermNNNNo
85339ACEDAdult and Career Education 2050 - Communications for the Wrkplce - Section IBCommunications for the WrkplceEllen Haight3Online CampusFull TermNNNNo
85963ACEDAdult and Career Education 2050 - Communications for the Wrkplce - Section ICCommunications for the WrkplceNicole Gunn3Online CampusFull TermNNNNo
81179ACEDAdult and Career Education 2300 - Intermediate Keyboarding - Section IA2Intermediate KeyboardingSheila Hall3Online CampusSecond Half of TermNNNNo
81180ACEDAdult and Career Education 2400 - Computer Technlgy Workplace - Section AComputer Technlgy WorkplaceJieun You3Main CampusFull TermNNYYes
81181ACEDAdult and Career Education 2400 - Computer Technlgy Workplace - Section BComputer Technlgy WorkplaceJieun You3Main CampusFull TermNNYYes
83386ACEDAdult and Career Education 2400 - Computer Technlgy Workplace - Section CComputer Technlgy WorkplaceEllen Haight3Main CampusFull TermNNNNo
81183ACEDAdult and Career Education 2400 - Computer Technlgy Workplace - Section IAComputer Technlgy WorkplaceN Staff3Online CampusFull TermNNNNo
81184ACEDAdult and Career Education 2400 - Computer Technlgy Workplace - Section IA1Computer Technlgy WorkplaceN Staff3Online CampusFirst Half of TermNNNNo
81185ACEDAdult and Career Education 2400 - Computer Technlgy Workplace - Section IA2Computer Technlgy WorkplaceN Staff3Online CampusSecond Half of TermNNNNo
85345ACEDAdult and Career Education 2400 - Computer Technlgy Workplace - Section IBComputer Technlgy WorkplaceN Staff3Online CampusFull TermNNNNo
81186ACEDAdult and Career Education 2700 - Desktop Publishing - Section IADesktop PublishingNicole Gunn3Online CampusFull TermNNNNo
81188ACEDAdult and Career Education 3000 - Office Calc and Recordkeep - Section IAOffice Calc and RecordkeepFrankie Keeling3Online CampusFull TermNNNNo
81189ACEDAdult and Career Education 3150 - Computer System for the Office - Section IAComputer System for the OfficeMarcella Prater3Online CampusFull TermNNNNo
85347ACEDAdult and Career Education 3400 - Applied Computer Technology - Section IA1Applied Computer TechnologyN Staff3Online CampusFirst Half of TermNNNNo
81192ACEDAdult and Career Education 3400 - Applied Computer Technology - Section IA2Applied Computer TechnologyN Staff3Online CampusSecond Half of TermNNNNo
83387ACEDAdult and Career Education 3600 - History Philosophy Career Ed - Section IA1History Philosophy Career EdSarah Bond3Online CampusFirst Half of TermNYNYes
85348ACEDAdult and Career Education 3600 - History Philosophy Career Ed - Section IA2History Philosophy Career EdSarah Bond3Online CampusSecond Half of TermNYNYes
83389ACEDAdult and Career Education 3850 - Principles of Adult Education - Section IAPrinciples of Adult EducationShannon Perry3Online CampusFull TermNNNNo
81197ACEDAdult and Career Education 4070 - Adv Document Processing - Section IAAdv Document ProcessingVesta Chafin3Online CampusFull TermNNYYes
81198ACEDAdult and Career Education 4160 - Administrative Office Procedur - Section IAAdministrative Office ProcedurEllen Haight3Online CampusFull TermNYNYes
81199ACEDAdult and Career Education 4300 - Practicum Adult/Career Educ - Section IAPracticum Adult/Career EducNicole Gunn3Online CampusFull TermNNNNo
81200ACEDAdult and Career Education 4410 - New Teacher Institute - Section OXANew Teacher InstitutePamela Dobbins3Off CampusFull TermNNNNo
81202ACEDAdult and Career Education 4510 - Curriculum Dev Adult/Career Ed - Section IACurriculum Dev Adult/Career EdShannon Perry3Online CampusFull TermNNNNo
81204ACEDAdult and Career Education 4780 - Internship Teaching Career Ed - Section OXAInternship Teaching Career EdPamela Dobbins6Off CampusFull TermNNNNo
81206ACEDAdult and Career Education 4820 - Project Mgt for Technical Ldrs - Section IAProject Mgt for Technical LdrsIvan Nikolov3Online CampusFull TermNYNYes
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