Cataloging: Holdings for Added Volumes

Holdings for Volume One:

  1. Edit - ALT - R, H - or Create - ALT - R, E - 1 MFHD (this MFHD will cover all volumes) 

  2. Create an 866 field to show a summary of the holdings (all the volumes). 

  3. Save MFHD to DB - CTL - B 

  4. Create 1 item record - ALT - R, T - for volume 1. Enter "v.1" in the Enumeration box. 

  5. Save Item Record to DB - CTL - B

Holdings for Volume Two:

  1. Create 1 item record - ALT - R, T, RTN, ALT - N - for volume 2. Enter "v.2" in the Enumeration box. 

  2. Save Item Record to DB

Holdings for Volume Three:

  1. Create 1 item record - ALT - R, T, RTN, ALT - N - for volume 3. Enter "v.3" in the Enumeration box. 

  2. Save Item Record to DB

And so on . . .