To be able to view the PDF Forms on the Google Chrome browser, you need to disable the “Chrome PDF Viewer” plug-in. Follow the steps below to disable this plug-in and use the Adobe Reader browser plug-in.


  1. Go to the “Settings” tab by clicking on the menu icon on the right of the browser. Screenshot of the Chrome Browser Menu
  2. Click on “Show Advanced Settings” at the bottom of the menu.       Show Advanced Settings Screenshot
  3. Click on “Content settings…”Content Settings Screenshot
  4. Scroll down the content settings until you see the options for Plug-ins.Plug-ins Screenshot
  5. Click on “Disable individual plug-ins..” Go down the list of plug-ins and enable the “Adobe Reader” plug-in or disable the “Chrome PDF Viewer” plug-in. It should look like the screen shot below.Disable Chrome PDF Viewer Screenshot
  6. You’re done! You can now close the “Plug-ins” & “Settings” tab.