Alicia Roberson Portrait

Alicia Roberson

Director College of Arts Advising Center

  • Ed.D. Education in Leadership (currently enrolled)
    Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA
  • M.S. Marriage and Family Therapy
    Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA (2005)
  • B.F.A. Speech Communication
    Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA (2003)

Year started working at VSU: 2000 as a student worker and 2005 as a professional

Why I love advising: I love advising because of the opportunity to build relationships with students during a time in their lives in which they are dreaming and discovering who they are as individuals and how that fits into what they want to do with their lives. I believe a college education changes people and families. A quote that hung in my grandmother's office, my dad's office and now my office says, " know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." I know when I get up and come to work every day, I have the opportunity to help others grow and grow myself from working with our students.

Hometown: Vidalia, GA

Hobbies/interests: Crossfit and cooking

Fun fact: I have been Big Bird, Smokey the Bear, and Yumion the Vidalia Onion.

Why VSU: I fell in love with this place the day I set foot on the campus in the 9th grade on a tour. I transitioned into adulthood here and learned that higher education truly transforms individual and families. I get to be a part of changing lives every day of my life. On the flip side of that, I get to keep learning and growing because of the faculty, staff and students I interact with as part of the VSU family.


    University Center, Room 1210